Social Accountability has received much attention as a potentially promising method to engage community members in monitoring the delivery of public services. Recent efforts in Uganda and Nepal found that...
Infectious diseases were responsible for the largest global burden of premature death and disability until the end of the twentieth century, when that distinction passed to noncommunicable diseases. Over...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Antiretroviral (ARV) treatment and time allocation to household tasks : evidence from Kenya, conducted in late 2003 in Kenya...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Mobile phone technologies improve adherence to antiretroviral treatment in a resource-limited setting : a randomized controlled...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) treatment and intra-household resource allocation : children's nutrition and schooling...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled The economic impact of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) treatment : labor supply in Western Kenya, conducted between...
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) counseling and testing services play an important role in HIV treatment and prevention efforts in developing countries. Community-wide testing campaigns to detect HIV...
The authors show that pregnant women whose first clinic visit coincides with the nurse’s attendance are 58 percentage points more likely to test for HIV and 46 percent more likely to deliver in a hospital...