Tanzania’s rapidly growing population, particularly its youth, faces challenges in entering the labor market due to limited employable skills. This policy note first reviews the demand-side factors including...
The implementation of the fee-free basic education policy (FBEP) in Tanzania since 2015 has led to consistent growth in the education sector. However, the rapidly increasing school-age population has been...
This report focuses on the trends of adolescent and youth well-being in Tanzania, identifying how and why well-being has or has not changed over time. The report conceptualizes well-being holistically...
The Tanzania Gender Assessment is led by the World Bank’s Social Sustainability and Inclusion and Human Development practices and offers a holistic overview of the numerous challenges and opportunities...
This assessment has been commissioned by the WB to provide baseline information on GBV issues, policies, programming, and gaps with a view towards assisting the WB to a) consider how to directly support...
The Tanzania Education Sector Institutional and Governance Assessment (hereafter referred to as the report) identifies the drivers of efficient and effective basic education service delivery in Tanzania...