This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Jordan country unit. This issue features: In this edition: World Bank Contacts: Ready to Learn? Assessment of Needs, Policies, and Programs for Children...
This paper provides a framework for estimating the economic benefits of early child development (ECD) programs and applies it to preliminary data from the Integrated Child Development Project (PIDI) in...
This paper provides a framework for estimating the economic benefits of early child development (ECD) programs and applies it to preliminary data from the Integrated Child Development Project (PIDI) in...
This booklet seeks to examine the change in Bank focus on lending towards an approach to economic growth via a human resources development method. The forward cites a need for a better understanding of...
The paper first compares the economic status of male- and female-headed households and then the authors analyze differences in the use of resources (time and money) between the two groups. Finally, the...
The rising cost of health care presses hard on developing and industrial countries alike. The burden is heavier in the developing world, however, because resources are scarcer, people tend to be in poorer...
This report is the thirteenth in the annual series addressing major development issues. This report is about the poor. It is thus about the fundamental issue in economic development the eradication of...
This report is the thirteenth in the annual series addressing major development issues. This report is about the poor. It is thus about the fundamental issue in economic development the eradication of...
This report is the thirteenth in the annual series addressing major development issues. This report is about the poor. It is thus about the fundamental issue in economic development the eradication of...
هذا التقرير هو الثالث عشر في سلسلة من التقارير السنوية التي تتناول قضايا التنمية الرئيسية. ويشكل الفقراء محور التركيز الأساسي لهذا التقرير. ومن هذا المنطلق، يسعى التقرير إلى تناول قضية "استئصال الفقر من...
This report is the thirteenth in the annual series addressing major development issues. This report is about the poor. It is thus about the fundamental issue in economic development the eradication of...
This report is the thirteenth in the annual series addressing major development issues. This report is about the poor. It is thus about the fundamental issue in economic development the eradication of...
The continuing economic crises faced by developing countries have placed public employment and compensation under increased scrutiny. This paper analyzes public-private sector pay differentials in two...
Looking for boy-girl discrimination in household expenditure data. Inflation and the financing of government expenditure: an introductory analysis with an application to Turkey. Food aid: a cause of development...
This Living Standards Measurement Study working paper includes two reports that are part of a larger study on "Health Care Demand and Resource Mobilization." This study addresses the issue of how various...
Fiscal deficits and external debts have placed public sector employment and compensation under scrutiny as developing countries confront the economic crises of recent years. Although much attention has...
The following two papers present an analysis of wage determinants in Cote d'Ivoire, using the standard Mincerian framework. The data used stem from the Cote d'Ivoire Living Standards Survey, conducted...
This paper provides a methodology for the ex ante evaluation of the welfare effects of proposals to use user fees to finance improved access to social services in developing countries. The analysis requires...
Data from a household survey conducted in a relatively poor county in northwestern China allow assessment of the impact of education on the employment status and earnings of urban dwellers and on the value...