Despite evidence that women’s political preferences differ from those of men, women are less likely to participate in political and social discussions on Twitter and other social media. Following recent...
This paper assesses the reliability of poverty maps derived from remote-sensing data. Employing data for Malawi, it first obtains small area estimates of poverty by combining the Malawi household expenditure...
This study investigates whether Twitter data can be used to infer attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination with an application to the Arabic speaking world. At first glance, anti-vaccine sentiment estimated...
The last expenditure survey released by India’s National Sample Survey organization dates back to 2011, which is when India last released official estimates of poverty and inequality. This paper sheds...
Using Integrated Public Use Microdata Series–United States micro-census data from 1960 to 2010, this paper examines whether racial and gender income disparities beget inequality by differentially impacting...
Using individual data from over 400 surveys, this paper compiles a global database of intergenerational mobility in education for 153 countries covering 97 percent of the world’s population. For 87 percent...
Fair Progress? Economic Mobility across Generations around the World looks at an issue that has gotten much attention in the developed world, but with, for the first time, new data and analysis covering...
This paper quantifies the impact of market access on local GDP in the West Bank, proxied by nighttime lights, using the deployment of road closure obstacles by the Israeli army between 2005 and 2012 as...
This paper proposes a methodology to approximate individual income distribution dynamics using only time series data on aggregate moments of the income distribution. Under the assumption that individual...
This paper argues that inequality can be both good and bad for growth, depending on what inequality and whose growth. Unequal societies may be holding back one segment of the population while helping another...
It is costly to collect the household- and individual-level data that underlies official estimates of poverty and health. For this reason, developing countries often do not have the budget to update their...
Household income surveys often fail to capture top incomes which leads to an underestimation of income inequality. A popular solution is to combine the household survey with data from income tax records...
This paper builds on the existing cross-survey imputation literature to provide up-to-date estimates of poverty when official estimates are deemed outdated. This is achieved by imputing household expenditure...
This paper shows how a developing country, Lao PDR, imports high glutinous rice prices by exporting its staple food to neighboring countries, Vietnam and Thailand. Lao PDR has extensive export controls...
This note adapts results by Huang and Hidiroglou (2003) on Generalized Least Squares estimation and Empirical Bayes prediction for linear mixed models with sampling weights. The objective is to incorporate...
The paper assesses the impact of overall inequality, as well as inequality among the poor and among the rich, on the growth rates along various percentiles of the income distribution. The analysis uses...
This paper proposes a method for estimating distribution functions that are associated with the nested errors in linear mixed models. The estimator incorporates Empirical Bayes prediction while making...
This document examines the geographic distribution of employed individuals across Romania, the implications, and recommendations. Under optimal conditions, cities concentrate economic resources and human...
This document examines the geographic distribution of employed individuals across Romania, the implications, and recommendations. Under optimal conditions, cities concentrate economic resources and human...
This paper considers the prediction estimator as an efficient estimator for the population mean. The study may be viewed as an earlier study that proved that the prediction estimator based on the iteratively...