External debt, inflation, and the public sector: toward fiscal policy for sustainable growth. Black market premia, exchange rate unification, and inflation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Indexation and inflationary...
Comparative work on income taxes in developing countries has commonly looked at average tax rates. These rates are often constructed by dividing revenue collections by some measure of private or personal...
Primary commodity prices, manufactured goods prices, and the terms of trade of developing countries: what the long run shows. Price and income elasticities of demand for modern health care: the case of...
Previous work on income tax evasion has assumed that taxpayers are dishonest, while tax collectors are honest. Such a clear 'moral' asymmetry is seldom observed in developing countries. The present paper...
Though a number of papers have considered the issues of income tax evasion few have considered indirect tax evasion. One of the exceptions is a paper which considers the very special case of a risk-averse...
This paper examines personal income taxes. Specifically, it defines and then constructs marginal and average tax schedules for personal income tax for fifty developing countries; three high income countries...
High marginal income tax rates can distort the incentive to work and invest, and encourage tax evasion. These incentive effects cannot be appropriately summarized from income tax records when substantial...
Among the financial policy issues that arise as part of economic development, credit policy is an important element. One reason for this is the enormous growth in LDC government intervention over the last...
The paper reviews the savings behavior of households from the perspective of developing countries. Though the standard analytical framework used to explain savings in developed countries is still relevant...
The paper starts with an examination of a sample or tax reform packages proposed for developing countries. It extracts from these studies explicit and implicit factors motivating tax reform, and some views...
The efficiency of natural resource tax-contract systems is of interest to both resource owners and firms wishing to explore for and extract resources. The present paper considers the small country case...
An abstract pure profit or rent tax for a known resource is easy to define and analyze. The challenge is to (a) design a tax-contract system which is relatively efficient in extracting rents when the existence...
The paper presents a practical methodology for assessing the impact of domestic indirect tax reform. The methodology is based on a simple extension of the input-output framework to take account of partial...
It is now widely accepted that if markets for specific goods and services fail or are inefficient, some form of imperfect information or assymetry is often the primary cause of such failure. The present...
The paper analyzes the efficiency of several tax-contract systems, such as the resource rent tax, production share system, and royalty. Account is taken of their incentive effects on behaviour of firms...
Direction and control of the financial system has had a significant role in the government's development strategy. The paper shows how this influenced the evolution of the Korean financial system, and...
The paper analyzes the effects of different types of loan market policy interventions designed to influence the flow of loans to specific sectors and uses. A direct interest subsidy is shown to be the...
This paper analyses the problem of willful default by a borrower, who is financially able to repay the loan. This problem termed Moral Hazard, affects the functioning and efficiency of the loan market...
This paper is the first of a series of papers exploring the problems of tax evasion and corruption and how these influence the effectiveness of government policies. It develops a simple model of the corrupt...
In the historical development of financial markets a banking system precedes the development of equity and bond markets. In most developing countries equity and bond markets are still extremely limited...