This book grew out of the Global Issues seminars and is itself a testament to that two-way dialogue: the suggestion to compile the speakers' lecture notes into a book came from the students themselves...
تمثل هذه الورقة تحديثاً لتقارير البنك الدولي السابقة، كما يتسق أساسها المنطقي والأنشطة الواردة فيها مع "إستراتيجية البنك الدولي البيئية: تقديم التزامات قابلة للاستمرار"، وكذا مع "إستراتيجية البنك الدولي...
Watson, Crawford, and Farley examine the ways in which science and technology (S&T) support poverty alleviation and economic development and how these themes have been given emphasis or short shrift in...
The fall issue of the annual review on the environment highlights the World Bank's work in FY98 in the promotion of sustainable use of resources. Each operational region and the International Finance Corporation...
This fall issue of the annual review on the environment looks back on the World Bank's environmental work in the fiscal year 1997, and highlights the upcoming challenges and opportunities. The lead article...