Building a sound, efficient financial system is at the heart of the transformation from central planning to a market economy. The vital function that the financial system performs in a market economy in...
نوع الوثيقة: المطبوعات
رقم التقرير: 98825
تاريخ الوثيقة: 1993/06/11
حالة الافصاح: Disclosed
المؤلف: Caprio,Gerard,Folkerts-Landau, David,Lane, TimothyD.,Fries, Steven M.,Kawalec,Stefan,Sikora, Slawomir,Rymaszewski, Piotr,Ickes, Barry W.,Ryterman,Randi Susan,Rostowski, Jacek,Garber,Peter,Summers, Bruce J.,Humphrey, David B.,Blommestein, Hans J.,Spencer, Michael G.,Dreyer, Jacob S.,Long,Millard F.,Talley,Samuel H.,Lindgren,Carl-Johan,Schiffman,Henry N.,Scott, David H.,Barnes, Guillermo,Calvo,Guillermo A.,Coricelli,Fabrizio,Yusuf,Shahid,Guitian, Manuel,Plenderleith,Ian Michael,Zecchini, Salvatore