Affter nearly a quarter of century of structural adjustment and liberalization, a discussion of labor institutions in Africa still seems unrealistic. Such institutions concern only the formal sector...
Affter nearly a quarter of century of structural adjustment and liberalization, a discussion of labor institutions in Africa still seems unrealistic. Such institutions concern only the formal sector...
This note summarizes the Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) undertaken in Mali in 2004. The objective of the ICA was to analyze the current business climate in Mali using a survey of a representative...
Since 1994, Senegal has experienced a steady average gross domestic product growth of 4.7 percent, a performance superior to the overall growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (which averaged 3.2 percent between...
Since 1994, Benin 's gross domestic product growth performance has been superior to that of Sub-Saharan Africa, averaging 4.9 percent. The main driver of this growth is an economywide increase in total...