New available data suggests that the Lao business environment is not improving, and might be deteriorating. The main constraints named by firms surveyed in the 2016 Enterprise Survey are the practices...
New available data suggests that the Lao business environment is not improving, and might be deteriorating. The main constraints named by firms surveyed in the 2016 Enterprise Survey are the practices...
This newsletter includes the following headings : International Comparison Program (ICP) governing board inaugural meetings; ICP Africa task force meeting; national accounts seminar for Latin America and...
This Mozambique economic update brief for 2016 includes a section on recent economic developments and a discussion of Mozambique’s economic outlook, followed by focus section(s) analyzing issues of particular...
This Mozambique economic update brief for 2016 includes a section on recent economic developments and a discussion of Mozambique’s economic outlook, followed by focus section(s) analyzing issues of particular...
The contents of this newsletter focus on World Bank Group support, status of ongoing operations, and Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund. It has the following headings: news; World Bank group support;...
The contents of this newsletter focus on World Bank Group support, status of ongoing operations, and Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund. It has the following headings: news; World Bank group support;...
The contents of this newsletter focus on World Bank Group support, status of ongoing operations, and Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund. It has the following headings: news; World Bank group support;...
Some of the headings included in this issue of the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) global economic prospects monthly working paper are as follows: overview; chart of the month; Special focus...
The control systems of today’s smart power-distribution grids have evolved significantly. Such systems improve system reliability by reducing the frequency and duration of outages. They also optimize asset...
Since fiscal year 2010 the World Bank has supported 20 smart grid projects in 19 countries and all six Bank regions. Valued at 960 million dollars - a quarter of all Bank support for transmission and distribution...
SCADA/EMS and SCADA/DMS systems ensure that power grids are efficient, resilient, and able to adapt to changes in generation, transmission, and distribution. Advancing technology is making SCADA systems...
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) provides significant benefits to utilities around the world. Although it is entering the mainstream, technical concerns, policy challenges, capacity, and will in...
This new issue of the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) caseload statistics provides an updated profile of the ICSID caseload, historically and for the centre's fiscal...
This report consists of two parts: Part 1 presents a review of recent economic developments and a macroeconomic outlook. Part 2 focuses in greater depth on a special, selected topic relevant to Malawi's...
Some of the headings included in this issue of the International Comparison Program (ICP) Quarterly Update working paper are as follows : The future of price statistics; outcomes from the 47th session...
High-frequency indicators suggest that global growth continued to be weak in the first quarter of 2016. Growth in the United States dropped to a two-year low and slowed further in China, while it gained...
This new issue of the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) caseload statistics provides an updated profile of the ICSID caseload, historically and for the centre's fiscal...
This new issue of the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) caseload statistics provides an updated profile of the ICSID caseload, historically and for the centre's fiscal...
This new issue of the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) caseload statistics provides an updated profile of the ICSID caseload, historically and for the centre's fiscal...