This cluster-randomized trial in Côte d’Ivoire examined multi-sectoral approaches to improving adolescent girls’ empowerment (AGE). Safe spaces offering life skills and sexual and reproductive health (SRH)...
This cluster-randomized trial in Côte d’Ivoire examined multi-sectoral approaches to improving adolescent girls’ empowerment (AGE). Safe spaces offering life skills and sexual and reproductive health (SRH)...
In Conakry, Republic of Guinea, women business owners in male-dominated sectors earn significantly more than their counterparts in sectors with a higher concentration of female entrepreneurs. This trend...
The government of Mauritania and the World Bank collaborated to implement a Family Dialogue pilot that targets the recipients of Tekavoul, the national cash transfer program and combines a couple’s training...
Land is the major source of income for most African households, particularly those engaged in agriculture. In the region, property rights over land are largely governed by informal customary systems. These...
Women are often overrepresented among the poorest and the most vulnerable. Due to various factors limiting their opportunities, including care responsibilities and gender norms, many either remain outside...
In Africa, agriculture is vital for employment and food security. Despite women contributing 40 percent of agricultural labor, they face barriers leading to significant gender gaps in productivity. Closing...
Beginning in 2012, Ethiopia’s first ever women-entrepreneur focused line of credit was established through the Women Entrepreneurship Development Project (WEDP). WEDP provides finance and business training...
Le mariage des enfants est une pratique est particulièrement répandue au Niger, où le taux de scolarisation des filles au collège est faible et le décrochage scolaire est fréquent, avec de graves conséquences...
This case study presents lessons learned by the Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) and its partners from pilots of different models of low-cost childcare provision across four countries in Sub-Saharan...
Key findings: • Mangrove loss in Indonesia has been rapid and linked to market incentives, land tenure issues, regulations, and institutions. • Efforts to rehabilitate and protect mangroves have had mixed...
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global problem and a widespread issue in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where nationally more than one third of women have reported experiencing physical or...
Overlapping crises such as climate change, the ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, regional conflicts and rising global food insecurity exacerbate the inequalities faced by adolescent girls, making...
Faster and more inclusive growth is needed for Nigeria to make significant progress towards reducing poverty. Addressing the sizable gender gaps and the drivers that undermine women’s economic empowerment...
Benin’s labor market is characterized by a high participation rate, but extensive informality and underemployment. Underemployment is even higher among youth and rural women. The labor market is also extremely...
Land titling interventions often span several years. The impacts of an intervention that subdivides collective land titles and issues individual titles can vary across individuals and time. The vast majority...
Gender gaps in agricultural productivity in Nigeria are estimated to cost the economy at least 2.3 billion annually, and more when accounting for spillovers to other sectors (World Bank 2022). The Government...
Women farmers produce 30 percent less per hectare than their male counterparts. Among various factors, there are three key drivers of gender gaps in agriculture productivity in Nigeria: women use fewer...
A recent review of evidence on the impacts of business training indicates the need to develop alternatives to formal classroom training, simpler rules-of-thumb-type trainings for less sophisticated firms...
Psychology-based business trainings that develop a proactive entrepreneurial mindset have been shown to be more effective than traditional business training in supporting female entrepreneurs to grow their...