This 100th EM Compass note explains why it is important to ‘create markets’ to promote development, and how development finance institutions and impact fund managers can draw on IFC’s Anticipated Impact...
This paper describes the design of a multi-stage stratified sample for the Bangladesh household income and expenditure survey 2016-17. This survey instrument will be used by the Government of Bangladesh...
On October 7, 2016, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) council of governors adopted resolution number one hundred. It was resolved that, the Council of Governors of the Agency considers...
This focus note highlights where and how potential benefits can be realized, recognizing there are challenges and risks. Some hold that digital data are not a full substitute for the richness of an in-person...
This focus note highlights where and how potential benefits can be realized, recognizing there are challenges and risks. Some hold that digital data are not a full substitute for the richness of an in-person...
This focus note highlights where and how potential benefits can be realized, recognizing there are challenges and risks. Some hold that digital data are not a full substitute for the richness of an in-person...
This publication forms part of the work of the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) on identifying and promoting good policies and practices in rural transport in Africa. It provides an...
South-South knowledge exchanges are increasingly recognized as one of the most effective learning and development tools. While it is important to facilitate such exchange of first-hand experiences and...
This note sets out key ideas from recent discussions inside and outside the Bank on how donors can support governments more effectively in delivering results in Public Sector Management (PSM) reforms...
Using recent estimates of industry assistance rates, the effects of trade liberalization in the rest of the world and in Pakistan alone are analyzed using a global and a Pakistan computable general equilibrium...
With the support of the ACCES (Acceso Con Calidad a la Educacion Superior, in Spanish) Project Colombia shifted its tertiary education policy, implementing comprehensive reforms to improve equity of tertiary...
With the support of the ACCES (Acceso Con Calidad a la Educacion Superior, in Spanish) Project Colombia shifted its tertiary education policy, implementing comprehensive reforms to improve equity of tertiary...
This working paper is based on a literature review and country case studies in six Sub-Saharan African countries: Eritrea, Mali, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania. It looks at the role of secondary...
Morbidity and mortality, particularly as a result of HIV/AIDS and malaria, raise the cost of labour to municipalities, through increased absenteeism, lower productivity, higher health care and funeral...
This note reviews the available evidence on developing effective policies against child labor, outlining it requires attention to gender differences among working children. This is so because standard...
تستعرض هذه المذكرة الشواهد المتاحة بشأن وضع سياسات فعالة ضد تشغيل الأطفال، وتوضح أن ذلك يتطلب الاهتمام بالفوارق بين الجنسين من الأطفال العاملين. وينبغي إيلاء ذلك الاهتمام لأن التعاريف المعيارية لتشغيل...
This note reviews the available evidence on developing effective policies against child labor, outlining it requires attention to gender differences among working children. This is so because standard...
This note reviews the available evidence on developing effective policies against child labor, outlining it requires attention to gender differences among working children. This is so because standard...
This note reviews the available evidence on developing effective policies against child labor, outlining it requires attention to gender differences among working children. This is so because standard...
This note discusses the varied strategies adopted by Community Driven Development - CDD - programs to ensure the inclusion of disabled people. It is based on five case studies, which represent a wide spectrum...