This brief examines two reforms, enacted between 2012 and 2014, that lifted previous restrictions to women’s rights in Togo. Specifically, these limitations prevented women from choosing where to live...
The 12th #OneSouthAsia Conversation, held in collaboration with the World Bank’s Regional Integration and Engagement program and the National University of Singapore’s Institute of South Asian Studies...
Everyone has the right to shop with dignity, in a safe and clean environment. Yet how many of Dhaka’s 300 plus fresh markets meet even minimal standards for hygiene and personal safety? While these concerns...
This Jobs Note is a result of collaboration between S4YE-Jobs Group and Rand Corporation (an S4YE partner) . It builds on research covering the three countries with the highest concentration of Syrian...
Jharkhand's livestock production is in the hands of marginal and landless farmers with women accounting for over 70 percent of the production. The JOHAR project aims to enhance and diversify household...
To expand their customer base and to provide access to financial services, mobile network operators (MNOs) and financial institutions (FIs) have invested in digital channels and digital financial services...
The twelfth Zambia economic brief with a focus on how Zambia can harness its renewable resources to promote sustainable growth. This brief is part of a series of short economic updates produced twice a...
Investing in human capital is essential for Tanzania. To generate future income and achieve sustainable development, people are the most important asset countries have. Part two of this economic update...
To embark on a sustainable pathway toward development, effective policy responses must be implemented quickly and based on evidence. This requires reliable, timely data, which is often unavailable especially...
The maldistribution of skilled civil servants is an intractable policy challenge faced by many large and sparsely populated countries. Skilled teachers and health care providers tend to concentrate in...
This paper examines the level of investment protection for selected countries along the Belt &Road Initiative (BRI), based on coding the textual content of 17 investment laws and 648international investment...
South Africa's much anticipated economic rebound in 2018 did not occur. While substantial efforts by the authorities to strengthen governance of public resources and stabilize the fiscal situation helped...
Real GDP growth rebounded strongly to 6.1 percent in FY17/18, from 3.9 percent the previous year. The rebound was largely driven by a pick-up in investments and exports, and on the back of strengthened...
The Latin America and the Caribbean region is growing again after a number of difficult years. However, the recovery is fragile and the prospects for 2018 are falling short of initial expectations due...
As environmental challenges mount in Kenya, a growing number of companies are finding business opportunities in green sectors. Renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies are flourishing, while...
Rwanda's economy rebounded in the second half of 2017. The rebound, driven by improved exportperformance and revitalized agriculture, pushed annual growth to 6.1 percent and led to upwardrevisions of the...
As environmental challenges mount in Kenya, including in the plastics waste sector, a growing number of companies are seeking business opportunities in green sectors. Business-to-business partnerships...
Modern, high-quality off-grid lighting and energy products can transform lives. Over the past decade, a concerted global push has created thriving markets for these products, demonstrating that off-grid...
This note provides guidance on approaches to relocation and resettlement of people. Although resettlement is ideally avoided, the complexities of unclear, unrecognized, informal, and overlapping land claims...
This paper develops the concept of ‘action space’ as the range of possible destinations to which a migrant can realistically move at a given point in time and, intimately linked to this, the set of possible...