Fishery stocks are declining all over the world, threatening not only the livelihoods of fisheries households and communities, but also food and nutrition security of a broader society. However, many countries...
The March 2024 update to the Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. In particular, some welfare aggregates have been revised...
Vulnerability to poverty refers to the likelihood that a household or an individual may fall below the poverty line in the event of a shock. Understanding vulnerability helps design policies to protect...
As governments around the world struggle to piece together the most effective fiscal response to counter the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, some are facing constraints imposed by...
In the past decade, Uganda has made significant progress in reducing poverty and sustaining high economic growth. However, Uganda still faces considerable challenges that include poor infrastructure, weak...
Recent firm-level survey data collected by the World Bank’s Enterprise Surveys (ES) shows that about a quarter of all Malaysian firms have a female top manager. Female top managers are more likely to be...
In Morocco, a reform process to establish universal health coverage (UHC) through nonsubsidized and subsidized social health insurance (SHI) was launched in 2002. This case study focuses on the subsidized...
The infrastructure financing gap remains a critical global challenge for sustainable development. New thinking and innovative financial models are needed in order to mobilize more private capital to infrastructure...
The rise in unemployment during an economic crisis poses a significant concern to policy makers. Moreover, layoffs could slow down the economic recovery, since re-hiring and training workers may be costly...
This paper highlights the buildings of the World Bank which includes A Building was first building located at its official address, 1818 H St, Completed for use by U.S. Surgeon General, 1941, On June 25...
In this paper, survey data are used to document the presence of gender gaps in self-employment, employership, and labor force participation in seven Balkan countries and Turkey. The paper examines the...
As external pressures - including resource scarcity, globalization, and access to information - continue to increase, the way corporations respond to sustainability challenges will determine their long-term...
Rising prices for basic food products are back in the headlines and when food prices go up poor consumers in Africa, who spend the majority of their income on simple foodstuffs, suffer. Rising food prices...
Traditional power sector models in Sri Lanka are based on a large central generation model not amenable to distributed generation (DG), the small scale production of electricity at or near the demand site...
The Republic of Maldives, a middle-income country of extraordinary natural beauty, is one of the most advanced nations in South Asia. The Maldives consists of an archipelago of nearly 1,200 islands and...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has made impressive strides in reducing gender gaps in human development. The ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education is 0.96, women in...
Before 2005, FYR Macedonia did not have a well-functioning property registration system and citizens did not have secure property rights. Since the start of the World Bank-funded Real Estate Cadastre and...
Output-Based Aid (OBA) has been used since the early 2000s to deliver basic infrastructure and social services to the poor, typically through public-private partnerships. Given the limited experience with...
Output-Based Aid (OBA) has been used since the early 2000s to deliver basic infrastructure and social services to the poor, typically through public-private partnerships. Given the limited experience with...
استُخدمت نهج المعونات المرتبطة بالنواتج منذ مطلع القرن الجديد في توفير البنية التحتية والخدمات الاجتماعية للفقراء، وذلك عادةً من خلال الشراكات بين القطاعين العام والخاص. ونظراً لقلة تجارب هذا النوع من...