Given rising inflation, governments around the world may be considering price controls. While inefficient in most cases and often costly, price controls may be warranted under certain circumstances to...
Women comprise half of the world’s adult population, and therefore potentially half of its labor force. Removing barriers that restrict women from entering the labor market is crucial for achieving equality...
A quick glance at agricultural input use data from developing countries reveals a large dispersion in take up of improved inputs and practices across farms. One explanation is that this is a problem resulting...
Private businesses and investors can create markets and accelerate growth for low-incomecommunities in emerging markets. In doing so, they benefit from estimates of poverty in thetargeted market segments...
Following the tradition started in the early 1950’s, the World Bank Group staff contributed gifts for the patients of St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C. The collection of gifts was made by a...
Access to finance is a key component of poverty reduction, as it enables individuals to make economic decisions that can improve their welfare. The equality of access among different groups in society...
Educational attainment in Pakistan has been historically low as compared to other countries in the region. Currently the primary net enrollment rate (NER) in Pakistan is sixty six percent which is far...
A World Bank-supported project in Armenia was successful in developing a control framework that balances the need to increase the transparency and accountability of the country’s state noncommercial organizations...
A World Bank-supported project in Armenia was successful in developing a control framework that balances the need to increase the transparency and accountability of the country’s state noncommercial organizations...
This is the case in Jordan and this quick note is based on a study to better inform decision-makers on policy options regarding the development and expansion of student aid programs in Jordan. The goal...
In 2010, 36 infrastructure projects with private participation reached financial or contractual closing in seven low and middle-income countries, involving investment commitments of US$10.9 billion. Infrastructure...
Rising and increasingly volatile food prices spiking for the second time in three years combined with heightened uncertainty about future prospects for food availabilities, are raising alarm about food...
The global financial crisis has led to a range of reform proposals concerning the regulatory framework governing the banking sector collectively referred to as 'Basel III.' Although the proposed reforms...
The evaluation office of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is pleased to present the impact evaluation of the phaseout of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) in Countries with Economies in Transition...
In the 1990s a few multinationals dominated the market for public-private partnership (PPP) contracts in water. Yet in recent year's water operators from developing countries have won most of the new PPP...
This guide is about understanding the livelihood impacts of first-generation Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhancing forest carbon stocks (REDD plus) projects. These...
The evaluation office of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is pleased to present the impact evaluation of the phaseout of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) in Countries with Economies in Transition...
This Focus Note presents key findings of a 2008 report on implementing Financial Action task Force (FATF) standards in developing countries The Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening(FIRST) Initiative...
This Focus Note presents key findings of a 2008 report on implementing Financial Action task Force (FATF) standards in developing countries The Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening(FIRST) Initiative...
Does education matter for growth? Which type of education investment (primary, secondary, or tertiary) matters most? Is there a relationship between growth or innovation and the governance of higher education?...