Developing East Asia has undergone a dramatic transformation over the past few decades thanks to a combination of policies that fostered outward-oriented and labor-intensive growth, investments in basic...
Economic growth does not contribute enough to job creation. As shown in Merotto, weber and Aterido (2018), a bit more than half of growth episodes contributed to reducing unemployment. A significant part...
This note examines how sensitive the demand for business training is to price, and whether charging a higher price causes firm owners to exert more effort in training.
Developing a proper governance and regulatory framework for blockchain-based applications will be essential to providing market participants the stability they need to fully engage with the technology...
Reconstruction was the World Bank’s main mission until 1948. On May 9, 1947, an agreement was signed granting a reconstruction loan to France in the amount of 250 million dollars. In August 1947 there...
In recent years, Turkey has been host to more than two million Syrians seeking refuge. Initially concentrated in the southeastern regions, these refugees now reside throughout the country. There are many...
The central and state governments of India have been pursuing several reforms in the higher education sector. In engineering education, the government has already embarked on several reforms within the...
The Business Diagnostics and Dynamics Tool (BuDDy) tool uses formal sector business data that governments already collect to analyze patterns and trends in employment and diagnose constraints to growth...
The Business Diagnostics and Dynamics Tool (BuDDy) tool uses formal sector business data that governments already collect to analyze patterns and trends in employment and diagnose constraints to growth...
The last decade has witnessed two interesting features in international trade. First, high-tech products have become the fastest growing segment of international trade. Second, developing countries are...
Agro-food standards, including those relating to product quality, food safety, and the environmental and social impacts of production, have become the focus of intense controversy among those concerned...
In 2010, 23 infrastructure projects with private participation reached financial or contractual closing in five low- and middle-income countries in Europe and Central Asia, involving investment commitments...
Reduction of large and persistent external imbalances is currently a key focus of G-20 discussions. The paper argues that in a progressively multipolar world economy, the goals of global rebalancing, growth...
The growing use of branchless banking channels over the coming years is inevitable in most countries. But it's far less certain whether large numbers of the unbanked poor will use these alternative channels...
سوف يصبح الاستخدام المتزايد لقنوات الخدمات المصرفية المقدمة بدون فروع بنكية أمراً حتمياً في معظم البلدان على مدى الأعوام القادمة؛ إلا أنه لا يمكن الجزم، فيما يتجاوز نطاق معاملات الدفع والسداد، بإقدام أعداد...
This paper focuses on how growth theory can guide growth policy design. It first argues that policy matters for growth, in particular when policy variables are interacted with country?specific variables...
This working paper summarizes annual estimates of covered product Nominal Rate of Assistance (NRAs), for each of the focus economies of Europe's transition economies, their key distortion indicators defined...
Health Systems Innovations in Central America reports on how these experiences fared -- a hospital in Panama, a nutrition program in Honduras, primary care extension in Guatemala, a subset of hospitals...
Health Systems Innovations in Central America reports on how these experiences fared -- a hospital in Panama, a nutrition program in Honduras, primary care extension in Guatemala, a subset of hospitals...
The Nicaraguan agricultural and livestock sector experienced wide policy shifts over the last two decades. State intervention during the Sandinista period (1979--1990) was reversed by subsequent governments...