Blended concessional finance, the combination of commercial funds from development finance institutions (DFIs) and the private sector with concessional finance from public institutions, foundations, or...
Tobacco taxes are deemed regressive, because the poorest families tend to allocate larger shares of their budget to purchase tobacco. However, as taxes also discourage tobacco use, some of the most adverse...
On July 28, 2016, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Council of Governors adopted resolution number ninety nine. It is resolved that the 2016 Regular Election of Directors shall take place...
Indices are frequently used to motivate behavior - think of the World Bank's doing business reports or the United Nations Development Program's (UNDP's) human development index. By measuring and benchmarking...
Indices are frequently used to motivate behavior - think of the World Bank's doing business reports or the United Nations Development Program's (UNDP's) human development index. By measuring and benchmarking...
Indices are frequently used to motivate behavior - think of the World Bank's doing business reports or the United Nations Development Program's (UNDP's) human development index. By measuring and benchmarking...
This publication is part of a series aimed at promoting good policies and practices on rural transport in Africa. A recent review of the status of Rural Transport Knowledge Products and Practice (Riverson...
The new Bank structure that is to come into force on July 1, 2014 will bring with it a new business planning structure. This MNA K&L fast brief provides a brief overview of this process. The focus here...
The process of political change and transition across much of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) continued into 2013, with a great degree of heterogeneity across countries. Violence in Syria has escalated...
By financing public goods and services that enhance productivity and promote private investment, public spending is widely believed to be critical for long-run growth. Such effects are distinct from any...
A general equilibrium modeling approach is used to estimate the effects within Indonesia of unilateral and global trade liberalization, including effects on poverty incidence. It is concluded that global...
Regulatory simplification has become a part of many countries' efforts to improve the investment climate and the overall economy. Reducing red tape can lift constraints on private sector development and...
Regulatory simplification has become a part of many countries' efforts to improve the investment climate and the overall economy. Reducing red tape can lift constraints on private sector development and...
This working paper is based on country case studies of Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Uganda, and an extensive literature review. In many parts of Africa, the demand for secondary teachers...
The Andean region of Puno, known as the altiplano, is located at 3,830 meters above sea level. The terrain is prone to flooding, and thus difficult to cultivate. In order to deal with this situation, Andean...
Child malnutrition follows from a host of factors, including food insecurity, disease, limited maternal education and poor nutritional knowledge and practices. Using the baseline survey for the evaluation...
Alternative dispute resolution encompasses arbitration, mediation, conciliation, and other methods-short of formal litigation-for resolving disputes. Alternative dispute resolution offers several advantages...
This paper represents an important dimension in filling Latin America history's gaps through the lens of land rights. The continent was populated by many nations, functioned in harmony with nature, had...
The aim of the Senegal Pilot Female Literacy Project was to raise the literacy rates of populations in Dakar and the more developed areas and, most importantly, to remote areas that cannot be reached via...
The aim of the Senegal Pilot Female Literacy Project was to raise the literacy rates of populations in Dakar and the more developed areas and, most importantly, to remote areas that cannot be reached via...