Seeking out business advice, for example through classroom training or consulting, can be a profitable investment. Previous research has found that obtaining business advice through classroom training...
The new 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' report aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
In 2010, 13 infrastructure projects with private participation reached financial or contractual closure in 11 low- and middle-income countries, involving investment commitments of US$1.5 billion. Infrastructure...
This focus note begins by briefly telling the story of recent growth in the four countries leading into the credit delinquency crises. The second section describes the key contextual factors that affected...
This focus note begins by briefly telling the story of recent growth in the four countries leading into the credit delinquency crises. The second section describes the key contextual factors that affected...
This focus note begins by briefly telling the story of recent growth in the four countries leading into the credit delinquency crises. The second section describes the key contextual factors that affected...
This focus note begins by briefly telling the story of recent growth in the four countries leading into the credit delinquency crises. The second section describes the key contextual factors that affected...
تبدأ مذكرة المناقشة الحالية باستعراض موجز عن النمو الذي شهدته صناعة التمويل الأصغر مؤخراً في أربعة بلدان، وأدى إلى وقوع أزمات ارتفاع معدلات التأخر عن السداد. ويتناول القسم الثاني من المذكرة العوامل السياقية...
Traditional Knowledge systems are the essence of the social capital of the poor and the source of their survival strategies. Rooted in tradition, TK is also contemporary knowledge, defined by its inherently...
Traditional Knowledge systems are the essence of the social capital of the poor and the source of their survival strategies. Rooted in tradition, TK is also contemporary knowledge, defined by its inherently...
In 1998 Ghana's government successfully introduced a value added tax (VAT). But this success followed a failed attempt in 1995, when the country's first VAT was repealed after just three and a half months...
In 1998 Ghana's government successfully introduced a value added tax (VAT). But this success followed a failed attempt in 1995, when the country's first VAT was repealed after just three and a half months...
In the early 1990s, the Government of Venezuela urgently requested assistance from the World Bank to combat corruption, improve the business climate, and create a sense of transparency and involvement...
The 1990 power reforms in England and Wales were designed to permit the introduction of competition at both the retail and the wholesale level. Generation was both vertically separated from transmission...
This note reviews the significance of geological complications in hydroelectric projects and proposes guidelines for reducing their occurrence. It surveys 64 Bank-financed hydro projects and reveals that...