This first volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series describes the main features of national and international assessments, both of which became extremely popular tools for determining...
This first volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series describes the main features of national and international assessments, both of which became extremely popular tools for determining...
Small area estimates of poverty have become useful tool in targeting poverty reduction by geographic areas. For Nepal, this is the second poverty map produced after a gap of seven years in collaboration...
This first volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series describes the main features of national and international assessments, both of which became extremely popular tools for determining...
This first volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series describes the main features of national and international assessments, both of which became extremely popular tools for determining...
Exploitation of poor villagers by fraudulent development practitioners is a startlingly common occurrence in postwar Sierra Leone. Research conducted by the World Bank's justice for the poor and understanding...
The topic of this paper is, in the words of one reviewer, 'one of the most discussed sociological and societal issues in African studies: the relationship between traditional institutions and new institutions'...
This paper takes a detailed look at the relationship today between elders and youths in rural and peri-urban Sierra Leone, and on how that relationship might have changed during and after the country's...
This first volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series describes the main features of national and international assessments, both of which became extremely popular tools for determining...
The Argentina Fiduciary Action Plan (FAP) is a collection of discrete but conceptually linked initiatives in the area of fiduciary management that improve transparency and accountability in World Bank-supported...
The cities alliance was born in 1999 as a trust fund resulting from a Bank/United Nation (UN) habitat agreement to help implement the 'livable cities' agenda of the UN Human Settlements Conference in Istanbul...
The development gateway was created in 1999 as a vision of World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn to promote sustainable growth and poverty reduction through the use of information and communications...
The Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) was established in 1999 as an independent Swiss foundation to finance the research and development of new malaria drugs that are affordable in malaria endemic countries...
The ProVention Consortium was created in February 2000 as a partnership between the World Bank, other International Financial Institutions (IFIs), bilateral donor organizations, the insurance sector, the...
This is the first edition of The World Bank Legal Review, which is a publication for policy makers and their advisers, attorneys, and other professionals engaged in the field of international development...
Information is an essential production factor, particularly in modernizing agriculture. Farmers need and want information to improve their farming. Farmers only need and want extension to the extent that...