The new 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' report aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in Kenya and its performance greatly affects the poor. In addition to its importance as a source of food and income, the sector directly accounts for 24...
The new 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' report aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
The new 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' report aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
Ensuring food security under changing climate conditions is one of the major challenges of our era. Agriculture must not only become increasingly productive, but must also adapt to climate change while...
The new report 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
The Tugi Silvopastoral Project (TUSIP) is a climate-smart livestock and pasture management pilot program that was introduced in the village of Tugi in the Gutah Hills of the Northwest Region (NWR) of Cameroon...
Agro-food standards, including those relating to product quality, food safety, and the environmental and social impacts of production, have become the focus of intense controversy among those concerned...
Rising and increasingly volatile food prices spiking for the second time in three years combined with heightened uncertainty about future prospects for food availabilities, are raising alarm about food...
In order for agricultural development to fulfill its potential role as a source of growth and reducer of poverty, it must be constantly renewed through knowledge and innovation. Getting resources into...
While the issue has been hotly debated, this debate has suffered from two main weaknesses. On the one hand, there has been a dearth of rigorous empirical analysis of what is happening on the ground. On...
The gender and governance in rural services insights from India, Ghana, and Ethiopia report aims to generate policy-relevant knowledge on strategies for improving agricultural service delivery, with a...
More forest area is being designated for use by local communities and indigenous peoples. In a growing number of countries legislation is being introduced to ensure that local partners share in the benefits...
Poverty in Pakistan is overwhelmingly rural. Some two-thirds of Pakistan's population, and over 60 percent of the country's poor, live in rural areas. In 2005, average per capita expenditures in rural...
This brief is based on the key messages of a conference held on January 23, 2009 at the World Bank to review the state of the art on 'agriculture and climate change, investing now for a productive and...
The last five to ten years have seen a strong resurgence of interest in bioenergy along with the gradual development of more modern and efficient bioenergy production systems. This has been driven by several...
Stimulating agricultural growth is critical to reducing poverty in Africa. Commercial agriculture, potentially a powerful driver of agricultural growth, can develop along a number of pathways. Yet many...
Raising the productivity of smallholders is a necessary condition for increasing incomes and improving livelihoods among the rural poor in most developing countries. This increased productivity is essential...
The demand for verifiable evidence of results and impacts of development agricultural programs and projects is growing. However, most of the indicators that development practitioners have traditionally...
Malawi periodically experiences drought leading to shortages of grain on the domestic market and a sharp increase in consumer prices. Consumers, including many of the poorest farmers in the country, experience...