Women in rural areas, and in particular female farmers, have significantly less access to financial services than their male counterparts. Such limited access is harmful to female farmers and their families...
In March 2018, Uganda's Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) formally requested technical assistance from the World Bank Group (WBG) to conduct a technical and diagnostic review...
This diagnosis is part of the World Bank’s technical assistance to the Haitian authorities regarding financial inclusion and financial sector development. The industrial development fund (FDI), a public...
Matching grants are an instrument aimed at promoting private sector development that have been used extensively over the past years, in particular for agriculture development. this paper focuses on three...
This diagnosis is part of the World Bank’s technical assistance to the Haitian authorities regarding financial inclusion and financial sector development. The industrial development fund (FDI), a public...
Agricultural insurance, defined here to include crop and livestock insurance, is an instrument of choice in many countries for helping farmers and rural communities cope with risk. This paper explores...
The agricultural sector plays a critical role in the Zambian economy. The share of the agriculture sector's GDP financed by the banking sector is among the highest in Africa. Nearly half the population...
Agriculture remains economically and socially important in Vietnam despite agriculture’s declining share of gross domestic product (GDP). The share of primary agricultural activity in the GDP has fallen...
This paper reviews possibilities for, and experience with, credit-linked crop insurance, including different types of insurance and credit arrangements, ranging from insurance sold to individual farmers...
What are the key success factors for the agriculture credit guarantee schemes (CGS)? Are there any design features and interventions to minimize the risk? This paper tries to draw some lessons learned...
Financial Cooperatives (FCs) are important providers of financial services to poor and middle-income people, and significant drivers of financial inclusion. Aside from their strong presence and relevance...
Agriculture is critical to Rwanda’s economy and a key sector in Rwanda’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS). Agriculture finance is a national priority to achieve transformation...
This note aims at analyzing lessons learned from matching grants projects for farmers and agricultural SMEs and providing guidance to TTLs on successful design. It is part of a series of agriculture finance...
In most emerging markets, the lack of acceptable collateral is often cited as a key constraint on the provision of credit to agriculture. Three main types of collateral are typically used to finance agriculture:...
This note has been prepared to provide practical advice and guidance to World Bank task teams, clients, and donor partners who are contemplating support to partial credit guarantee (PCG) schemes in order...
The evidence that women both drive agricultural production and rely on it for their livelihoods means that greater financial and informational service provision to women, especially through digital channels...
The purpose of this note is to provide policy recommendations to improve access to credit of rural populations and small agricultural producers under financially sustainable schemes. Although the agricultural...
The purpose of this note is to provide policy recommendations to improve access to credit of rural populations and small agricultural producers under financially sustainable schemes. Although the agricultural...
The purpose of this note is to provide policy recommendations to improve access to credit of rural populations and small agricultural producers under financially sustainable schemes. Although the agricultural...