The Bangladesh Development Update provides an assessment of the state of the economy in Bangladesh, poverty trends, the economic outlook, risks, and key reform challenges. It covers real sector developments;...
This report provides an assessment of the state of the economy in Bangladesh, the outlook, risks, and key reform challenges. It covers real sector developments, focusing on growth and its components; inflation;...
This report provides an assessment of the state of the economy in Bangladesh, the outlook, risks, and key reform challenges. It covers real sector developments, focusing on growth and its components; inflation;...
This report provides an assessment of the state of the economy in Bangladesh, the outlook, risks, and key reform challenges. It covers real sector developments, focusing on growth and its components; inflation;...
This report provides an assessment of the state of the economy in Bangladesh, the outlook, risks, and key reform challenges. It covers real sector developments, focusing on growth and its components; inflation;...
This report provides an assessment of the state of the economy in Bangladesh, discussing the outlook, risks, and key reform challenges. It covers: real sector developments, focusing on growth and its components;...
Bangladesh economic expansion continued in FY19, supported by rising exports and record remittances. Inflation remained within the 5.5 percent target, supported by bumper rice harvests. Broad money growth...
Bangladesh has maintained its robust growth performance. Exports and remittances have been buoyant. Agriculture had bumper harvests. Overall inflation has slowed as decelerating food inflation offset a...
Strong growth, driven by consumption and public investment, has continued. Macroeconomic stability is strained. Inflation has picked up, driven by food price increases initially and by non-food inflation...
Industrial production and services growth remained resilient. Inflation has accelerated, primarily due to supply shocks. Monetary policy has been accommodative. Financial sector vulnerability is rising...
The economy is moving forward at a strong pace despite internal and external headwinds. Poverty reduction underpinned by job creation has continued, albeit at a slower pace due to lower remittances, flat...
The Bangladesh economy is weathering persistent global uncertainties relatively well. Poverty reduction is expected to have continued. Growth remained resilient, aided recently by recovery in exports and...
This update introduces Bangladesh’s new poverty numbers at 1.90 dollars per capita per day in 2011 purchasing power parity (PPP) prices, followed by an account of recent economic development, the outlook...
The objective of this report is to update the Government of Bangladesh, think tanks and researchers, the general public as well as the Bank’s senior management on the state of the economy, outlook, risks...
Progress on reducing extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity need to be further enhanced in the near-term by sustaining Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and remittances growth, creating jobs, containing...
This report highlights recent economic updates in Bangladesh as of April 2015. Economic growth in Bangladesh was gaining momentum in the first half of FY15. Capacity utilization improved and investments...
Progress on reducing extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity through human development and employment generation has continued. This needs to be further consolidated in the near-term by sustaining...
Bangladesh moved closer to achieving the sixth five year plan target of reducing extreme poverty to 22.5 percent by 2015 as it sustained healthy gross domestic product (GDP) growth and moderate single...
Economic performance has remained resilient to global headwinds and disruptive politics in Bangladesh in FY13. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth decelerated for the second year in a row to 6 percent...
Weak exports and investments resulting from the impact of the euro-area crisis, domestic supply constraints, and intensified strikes and unrests underpin the growth slowdown. Strong remittances and robust...