This press release announces that the World Bank’s Board of Directors on September 16, 2010, approved fifteen million US dollars loan for Belize to improve service delivery in several municipalities. The...
This press release announces that the World Bank approved on May 18, 2010, sixty-seven million loan to Brazil, in support of the federal AIDS-SUS Project. The project aims to increase prevention, care...
This press release announces the event on water and sanitation, at the beginning of the World Bank Spring Meetings. Water and sanitation. These are two basic services which all of us need every day. They...
This press release announces that the World Bank (WB) on December 28, 2010, announces the immediate disbursement of one hundred fifty million to support Colombia in the face of the humanitarian emergency...
This press release announces that the World Bank Board on December 20, 2010, approved a credit of thirty-eight million US dollars to the government of Ghana for implementation of an Oil and Gas Capacity...
This press release announces on December 21, 2010, that the World Bank (WB) Board of Directors approved three projects for Argentina totaling 1.061 billion. Both Great North projects, Water and Infrastructure...
This press release announces on December 16, 2010, that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) have decided to support 1.2 billion in debt...
This press release announces on December 16, 2010, that developing countries lose between twenty billion and forty billion each year to bribery, embezzlement, and other corrupt practices. Over the past...
This press release announces on December 15 2010, that the development partners to Kenya’s education sector are asking the government of Kenya to act swiftly and hand over the names of all Ministry of...
This press release announces that more than nine-hundred young Jordanian women and hundreds of business are taking part in a unique new program aimed at creating job opportunities for women, breaking down...
This press release announces on December 15, 2010, that the World Bank Board of Directors approved three million US dollars grant to Haiti to support a partial credit guarantee program to help local banks...
This press release announces that the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on December 14, 2010, approved a loan for Egypt in the amount of 330 million as additional financing for the Egypt National...
This press release announces on December 10, 2010, that between May and September of 2010, consecutive natural disasters caused over 200 fatalities, affected over 500,000 people and caused considerable...
This press release announces that group of global leaders and policy makers called on December 10, 2010 for agriculture to play a key role in the architecture of climate finance, announcing at the Cancun...
This press release announces on December 8, 2010, that from the world’s largest solar power program in North Africa to the greening of Mexico’s buses, more than forty developing countries have now undertaken...
This press release announces that some of the smallest and most vulnerable island nations in the world will benefit from a new initiative aimed at increasing these countries’ access to renewable sources...
This press release announces that the European Commission, in cooperation with the World Bank, is hosting a two-day conference in Brussels on 6 and 7 December 2010 to discuss how the Instrument for Pre-accession...
This press release announces that the International Corruption Hunters Alliance, a network of more than two hundred anti-corruption officials from 134 countries, met for the first time on December 7, 2010...
This press release announces that the World Bank Group and the African Development Bank issued the joint statement in response to the situation in the Cote d’Ivoire on December 5, 2010. The African Development...
This press release announces on December 2, 2010, that Kenyans may experience a new wave of robust economic growth driven by several factors including the telecommunications revolution, according to the...