Over the past couple of decades, global financing for development has changed dramatically. The biggest shifts have been the rapid increase of net private financing flows to developing countries, in particular...
The Accra Agenda for Action contains a commitment to increase aid effectiveness by 'addressing the issue of countries with insufficient aid.' This paper highlights the difficulties in identifying such...
This paper reviews the experiences of intergovernmental fiscal systems (IGFS) to look for possible lessons for how Official Development Assistance (ODA) is delivered. Specifically, it compares IGFS and...
In recent years, bilateral aid channeled through multilateral organizations like the World Bank has become an important vehicle for concessional finance for development. At the end of FY09, the World Bank...
This report presents an overview of the diverse roles and activities of new sovereign development partners as providers of development assistance. It was prepared as a background study to the international...
The environment has been high on the agenda ever since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. With the focus now on climate change and the successor to the Kyoto Protocol, there is heightened attention to the costs...
While the issue of earmarking has been widely studied in the context of public finance, there is little analysis of the extent and potential implications of earmarking of foreign aid. This paper attempts...
As early as 2000, development partners embarked on a decade-long search for 'innovative' or alternative sources of official development assistance to help finance achievement of the millennium development...