Bangladesh is one of the country's most vulnerable to climate change which also has a very high population density. The combination of a high level of poverty, and a depleted ecological system increase...
The purpose of the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC) study is to better understand and estimate the true costs of adapting to climate change in less developed countries. The study is made...
Vietnam is likely to be one of the most significantly impacted nations in the world from climate change, due to its very long coastline, high dependence on agriculture, and relatively low levels of development...
The overall objective of the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC) study is to help decision makers in developing countries to better understand and assess the risks posed by climate change...
The social component of the economics of adaptation to climate change (EACC) study employed two approaches in Ethiopia. Participatory scenario development workshops were conducted at community and the...
The program's objective is to assist decision makers in developing countries in integrating adaptation measures into national development strategies, policies, and budgets. The economics of adaptation...
The study in Bolivia was based on the concepts contained in the document methodology for the social component (October 2008) prepared by the core team in Washington. These lists the social component objectives...
In March 2009, a Joint Venture Consortium of Enterprise Support Service for Africa (ESSA) Technologies Ltd. (Canada) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) was contracted by...
This paper is one component of a global study on the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC) in developing countries; the focus in this paper is human health. The main human health impacts of...
This report explores the answer to a difficult question: what are the potential costs for coastal adaptation from 2010 until 2050 in response to human-induced climate change? The work reported here builds...
The overall objective of the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC) study is to better understand what adaptation to climate change really is and how-without such adaptation-development progress...
The objective of this technical report is to provide the background to the methodology used to model the impact of climate change on runoff for the global track of the Economic of Adaptation to Climate...
This background paper describes the work carried out on one component of a larger World Bank study entitled The Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC), whose aim is to estimate the costs of adapting...
This study has two objectives. The first is to help decision makers, especially in developing countries, to better understand and assess the risks posed by climate change, and to better design strategies...
An approach to estimating the costs of adapting to climate change is presented along with results for major components of infrastructure. The analysis separates the price/cost and quantity effects of climate...
This study is part of a World Bank effort intended, first, to help decision makers in developing countries to better understand and assess the risks posed by climate change and to better design sector...
Climate change will have large, but still uncertain, effects on agriculture. In this report the authors provide estimates of the impacts on human well-being through effects on agricultural production...
The present study of the economics of adaptation to climate change follows the sector approach, with separate estimates of adaptation measures for infrastructure, water, agriculture, industrial forestry...
This paper attempts to assess the economics of adaptation to extreme weather events. The author address several questions that are relevant for the international discussion: how will climate change alter...
Developed through extensive global consultations, the Strategic Framework for Development and Climate Change (SFDCC) guides various entities and institutions of the World Bank Group (WBG), including the...