Peru is favored by a stable and growing economy and the availability of indigenous sources of energy for electricity generation, including hydro and natural gas. The Peruvian electricity sector is among...
Building an effective air quality management system (AQMS) requires a process of continual improvement, and the source apportionment techniques described in this report can contribute in a cost effective...
This report was prepared in response to a request by the government of Honduras for assistance in the preparation of a power sector strategy for the country. Specifically, the government asked for help...
It is an internationally recognized reality that continued and increased investment in the power sector by private firms is essential to providing affordable and reliable energy to an increasing portion...
This report provides a summary of Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) supported activities in Mexico focused on the creation of a pooled financing program for multiple energy efficiency...
The overall purpose of a regulatory review of power purchase agreements (PPAs) is to ensure that the terms of the PPAs are "fair and balanced" to all parties who will be directly and indirectly affected...
South Asian region is enjoying unprecedented economic growth. The growth, however, is becoming constrained by significant shortages in energy supply, and unless corrective steps are urgently initiated...
Rural electrification programs are generally motivated by the effective and lasting impacts that they are expected to generate in the field. While there may be some natural trickle down effect from the...
Market-based reforms in China's urban centralized heating sector are essential to addressing the perpetual inefficiency of a sector built on welfare based principles. The reform of heat pricing and billing...