This report on a selective review of SEA legislation is intended as a small step forward in providing information about how current Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) legislation and legal instruments...
The current review on environmental health issues in poverty reduction strategies is an in-depth examination of the extent to which environmental health issues are incorporated in poverty reduction strategy...
Institutional Analysis is a key building block of Country Environmental Analysis (CEA), an upstream analytic tool that aims to integrate environmental considerations into Country Assistance Strategies...
Analytical and advisory activities (AAA) provide a foundation for defining strategic priorities, and for informing policy dialogue and decisions on projects and programs in Bank client countries. Since...
This report examines whether Central European countries have applied the generally accepted best practices for handling potential environmental liabilities in the course of privatization, and if so, whether...
The Environment Strategy emphasizes the need to strengthen the analytical foundation of environmental work at the country level. Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) has been identified as one of the key...
The existence of externalities, market failures, and complex transboundary and transgenerational issues linked with environmental challenges means that public sector institutions have an important role...
The Environment Strategy Paper series includes revised versions of Environment Strategy background papers, as well as new reports prepared to facilitate implementation of the Strategy. The series aims...
The paper reviews the international state-of-the-art in using strategic environmental assessment (SEA) as a tool for development planning, policymaking, and decision-making. The Bank's experience to date...
This background paper focuses on natural resource indicators and a spatial analysis, that can be used to target, and monitor poverty reduction outcomes. The work draws largely on the Geographic Information...
This paper highlights links between environment, health, and poverty, and discusses implications for the Bank strategy to address environmental health concerns. It shows that environmental risks have a...
The paper is based on a review of regional environment strategies (prepared for the Environment Strategy), on a review of the water sector portfolio, and country focus studies (done for the Water Resources...