E-commerce has the potential to expand market opportunities for businesses. However, it is not guaranteed. The World Development Report on Digital Dividends (World Bank 2016) highlights the importance...
Interventions to incentivize business formalization over the past decades have shown mixed results (Bruhn and McKenzie, 2013; Bruhn and McKenzie, 2018; Floridi et al., 2019) and brought limited knowledge...
Reforms to foster competition in product markets have been shown to improve productivity and support economic growth in advanced economies (AEs). However, relatively little is known about restrictions...
Political risks covers a wide range of issues, and this note focuses on a subset of political risk: the risks that arise from government actions, whether political or regulatory, that can affect the profitability...
Business safety inspections are commonly cited as one of the most important bureaucratic barriers to doing business around the developing world (World Bank 2019, 2020). In Peru, the business safety inspection...
This survey of literature explores the heterogeneous effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on employment outcomes in three types of domestic firms: foreign-owned local firms that are affiliates of...
This note provides an up-to-date summary of the academic evidence around the drivers and channels for technology transfer and productivity spillovers by multinational corporations (MNC) operating in host...
This note seeks to provide an overview of investment incentive policy as a tool for Governments seeking to promote technology transfer and productivity spillovers by multinational enterprises (MNEs) in...
Research shows that investment promotion agencies (IPAs) may be the best public institutions to meet government objectives for attracting, establishing, retaining, expanding, and linking productive private...
Developing countries are increasingly offering tax breaks to attract investors and pursue various policy objectives such as encouraging investments in research and development (R and D) and increasing...
The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the productivity of domestic firms is significant, but the economic gains from FDI are not guaranteed to be large or positive for individual firms. The...
The year 2018 marked the 60th anniversary of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, the most important international convention in the area of international...
Tanzania has the third largest livestock population in Africa (after Ethiopia and Sudan), but the competitiveness of Tanzania’s livestock sector faces many challenges, including lack of access to good-quality...
Regional free trade agreements (FTAs) have a sizable effect on exports and foster economic growth. While reducing tariffs in member countries, regional FTAs harmonize trade policy across regions and reduce...
Albania is heavily dependent on its agricultural sector, which accounts for 20.3 percent of GDP, 49 percent of employment and 8.5 percent of total exports. The fruit and vegetable sector represents 20...
This note provides a rapid, forward-looking analysis of countries’ share of the global private sector. By using technology-enabled Unicorns as a leading indicator of the future’s global private sector...
We investigate the association between entrepreneurship support programs and the likelihood of receiving funding for early-stage firms. We use a novel database of 2,887 early-stage technology companies...
A lack of access to finance has been one of the biggest impediments to the development and growth of the small-scale business sector in Indonesia. While micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)...
The World Bank Group (WBG), in collaboration with the Government of Bihar, is implementing a government-to-person (G2P) health payments project with co-funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...
Emerging market economies (EMEs) face significant funding gaps in strategic sectors, such as infrastructure and small and medium enterprise (SME) financing, that if not addressed can stifle growth. In...