Sustainable access to affordable, quality medicines is an important component of health care but in many African countries it continues to be limited. Commonly reported problems include poor supply chain...
The World Bank, as a part of its global goal of strengthening health systems, has proposed a regional investment in East Africa to advance the capacity and capability of health laboratories so that they...
With its renewed focus on health systems strengthening and on global public goods, the World Bank has taken a leadership role in proposing a regional investment in laboratory strengthening and control...
The Kenya health service delivers medical laboratory tests through a network of 958 laboratories, of which 70 percent belong to government, 20 percent to the voluntary sector, and 10 percent to the private...
Southern Sudan lies within the Nile basin and shares borders with five countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Central African Republic). The Government of Southern...
The impacts of health care investments in developing and transition countries are typically measured by inputs and general health outcomes. Missing from the health agenda are measures of performance that...
This paper reports the findings of the Zambia Public Expenditure Tracking/Quality of Service Delivery Survey (PET/QSDS) pertaining to human resources for health in Zambia. High staff vacancies (33.5 percent)...
The supply and geographic distribution of health workers are major constraints to improving health in low-income countries. A number of recent studies have highlighted the shortage of skilled health workers...
Geographical imbalances in the health workforce have been a consistent feature of nearly all health systems, and especially in developing countries. In this paper we investigate the willingness to work...
There is a growing awareness concerning the importance of the private sector in the provision of health services in sub-Saharan Africa. Private sector providers can range from traditional healers, informal...