The title of the Independent Evaluation Group's 2023 annual report reflects IEG's contributions to the World Bank’s new vision and mission, and the report captures the way we are adapting and innovating—including...
The annual report looks back at the past fiscal year and explores how IEG's reports increasingly inform policy and decision making.
Much as for the rest of the World Bank Group, the past year has required an unprecedented degree of adaptation and agility from all staff at the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). For many, fiscal year...
For the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), fiscal year (FY) 20 was a year of both internally and externally driven reform. IEG began the year with a mission to listen to the needs of our clients and stakeholders...
In a year marked by change throughout the institution, the Independent Evaluation Group’s commitment to rigorous analysis, innovative methodological approaches, and the sharing of knowledge and lessons...
The World Bank Group began evaluating projects in 1970 when President Robert McNamara created an Operations Evaluation Unit in the World Bank’s Programming and Budgeting Department. In 1973, the unit became...
In line with IEG’s long-term agenda, we have delivered timely, highly relevant evaluations that speak to the current issues. Likewise, we have influenced debates in our three strategic engagement areas:...
In keeping with our goal of informing the World Bank Group's activities and operations with timely, relevant evaluations, IEG refocused its work during the year. We introduced three strategic engagement...
In FY15, Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) delivered seven major evaluations, 39 Project Performance Appraisal Reports (PPARs), a record breaking 370 Implementation Completion and Results Report (ICR)...
In FY14 IEG delivered seven major evaluations, two country program evaluations (CPEs), the annual Results and Performance Report, and 47 Project Performance Assessment Reports (PPARs) on World Bank operations...
Independent Evaluation Group's (IEG's) strategic goal is to influence the World Bank Group's (WBG's) ability to achieve development outcomes globally and with its partner countries. To accomplish its goal...
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has advanced systems to gather, analyze, and apply investment and advisory project information. It has made strides in developing, aggregating, disclosing, and...
Independent Evaluation Group's (IEG) strategic goal is to influence the World Bank Group's ability to achieve development outcomes globally and with its partner countries. This has been a challenging year...
This Independent Evaluation Group (IEG)-Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) 2008 annual report evaluates key aspects of MIGA's FY05-08 strategic directions. This was the Agency's first comprehensive...
The 2007 annual report examines the quality of Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) work in assessing and underwriting new guarantee projects to ensure development effectiveness in its operations...
This report takes a look back at the development results that International Finance Corporation (IFC)-supported projects have achieved in the last 10 years, the main lessons that have emerged at the project...
The objectives of the 2006 Independent Evaluation Group (IEG)-Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) annual report are to inform Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) and the Board on...
The 2005 Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE) focuses on the country because it is the main unit of account for monitoring, managing, and evaluating performance. It examines Country Assistance...
The 2006 Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE) updates the actions taken since the 2004 and 2005 AROEs to strengthen the results focus in monitoring and evaluation (M&E). First, it analyzes the...
The Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE) fulfills OED's mandate to assess the progress, status, and prospects for monitoring and evaluating development effectiveness of World Bank activities...