For two decades, solid waste components in Bank projects have focused on collection of solid wastes, with equipment provided to upgrade operations at existing open dumps. Since early 1990, the private...
In many countries, the responsibilities for the provision and financing of public services are being increasingly decentralized. In transition and developing economies, the expanded local government role...
In developing and transition economies, the combined effect of decentralization and urbanization has increased demand on local governments to provide and finance public services. Against this background...
Privatization of infrastructure services is often followed by stricter enforcement of quality standards, which raises costs, maintaining, or worsening the exclusion of the poor. The poor would get easier...
In many developing countries, the regulation of infrastructure service standards is rigid, and makes services too expensive for the poor. The current wave of liberalization of infrastructure, is an opportunity...
Unlike the poor in many developing countries, those in Central and Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union, are highly connected to network utilities. During the early 1990s, it became clear that without...
Small-scale providers of infrastructure services, are proving to be more responsive than utilities, to needs of poor consumers. They might be delivering water services by tanker, transport services by...
Ports have become increasingly capital intensive. Economies of scale have led to larger, more specialized ships, and, competition between ports has started to grow. As a result, governments are reorganizing...
This note, based on the World Bank's Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) project database, reviews trends in infrastructure projects with private participation in low-income countries. Four main...
This note, based on the World Bank's Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) project database, reviews trends in infrastructure projects with private participation in low-income countries. Four main...
This note, which draws on the World Bank's Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) database, provides an overview of recent trends in infrastructure projects with private participation in developing...
In providing independent opinions to investors as to the credit quality of debt issuers, credit ratings have become important parameters in market acceptance and pricing of debt. Ratings are now viewed...
Transport is often viewed as having only an indirect role in poverty reduction. This note highlights opportunities for transport to directly help the poor, and suggests practical ways to address poverty...
There is wide agreement that decentralized government can improve the allocation of public resources by bringing decision-making closer to consumers and by enhancing the accountability of public officials...
Decentralization is a prominent element of Argentina's reform program. As a result, provinces and municipalities have played an increasingly important role not only as providers of services but also as...
After the initial success of the Convertibility Plan, Argentina's national government sought to promote provincial reform (e.g., privatization of public banks and enterprises, downsizing, pension reform...
This note reviews the current borrowing trends for subnational entities (e.g., provinces, states, and municipalities) in developing countries where - in addition to the traditional municipal credit institutions...
Municipal bond markets provide a vehicle to narrow local governments resource gap through schemes varying from debt funding based on the full faith and credit sub-sovereign issuers, to revenue bonds secured...
This note discusses the conditions underlying the development of municipal credit markets which can provide a vehicle to narrow local government resources gap through debt funding supported by the taxing...
Municipal bond markets provide a vehicle to narrow local governments resource gap through schemes varying from debt funding based on the full faith and credit sub-sovereign issuers, to revenue bonds secured...