This Results Profile focuses on participatory budgeting and telecommunications to build transparency and accountability in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Following decades of colonial rule, conflict...
This Results Profile talks about enhancing service delivery in districts across Punjab in Pakistan. In order to overcome widespread civic cynicism caused by petty corruption, the World Bank is working...
This Results Profile talks about the culture of feedback, key to boosting community participation and building rural livelihoods in Nigeria. Increased focus on generating community feedback in the Nigeria...
This Results Profile focuses on how citizen monitors prevent corruption and ensure procurement accountability in energy sector in Nigeria. The World Bank has been working with the Nigerian government and...
This Results Profile focuses on participatory budgeting and telecommunications to build transparency and accountability in the Democratic Republic of Congo's. Following decades of colonial rule, conflict...
This Results Profile talks focuses on how poverty alleviation fund combines participatory approach with radio and telecommunications platforms to engage communities in Nepal. The Government of Nepal’s...
This Results Profile talks about poor households in Tamil Nadu build institutions, to advocate for better services. In the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, the World Bank has been working with local communities...
This Results Profile talks about beneficiary verification and feedback, empowers access to health services in Karnataka. Effective project feedback mechanisms and mobile technology in the Karnataka Beneficiary...
This Results Profile tells us a story about an old mountain renewed in Serbia. Life is coming back to Gostusha, a village on Serbia’s famous Old Mountain. Until recently, Gostusha was fading away, the...
This result profile report talks about the Financial Sector Development Program (FSDP) in Rwanda. First and second phases of the project were supported by the Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening...
This Results Profile talks about school and hospitals in Montenegro. Boško Buha is in Pljevlja, in Montenegro's north, where winters are fierce and temperatures can plunge to minus 20 degrees Celsius...
This Results Profile talks about school and hospitals in Montenegro. Boško Buha is in Pljevlja, in Montenegro's north, where winters are fierce and temperatures can plunge to minus 20 degrees Celsius...
Agriculture is the backbone of the Rwandan economy - between 2006 and 2010 it accounted for 35 percent of gross domestic product (GDP); 45 percent of export earnings, and according to the latest household...
Agriculture is the backbone of the Rwandan economy: between 2006 and 2010 it accounted for 35 percent of GDP; 45 percent of export earnings and, according to the latest household survey of 2010/11, for...
Dr. Olivera Vojvodic Vlahovic has been practicing medicine for over 30 years. She spent many of those years working under the health care system in the former Yugoslavia. Now she works at a primary care...
70 percent of Montenegro's rural people live off the land. Most own small farms, and though the country has plenty of water and land, and a good growing climate, money to invest, improve, and raise agricultural...
This Results Profile focuses on a story about successful farming from Vucko and Milijanka Pesic. 70 percent of Montenegro's rural people live off the land. Most own small farms, and though the country...
After years of conflict, Liberia’s economic recovery has continued even during the global crisis. The government has rehabilitated and reconstructed physical infrastructure destroyed by the civil war...
This Results Profile is about stepping up growth and economic diversification in Benin. The global economic and financial crisis has contributed to a significant economic slowdown in Benin, and a widening...
This Results Profile is about stepping up growth and economic diversification in Benin. The global economic and financial crisis has contributed to a significant economic slowdown in Benin, and a widening...