A shrinking working-age population will be the Russian Federation's biggest demographic challenge in coming decades. With workers increasingly scarce, sustainable future economic development depends on...
Policymakers in many countries, including the Russian Federation, are attempting to encourage fertility as part of their response to the challenge of population aging. Whether pro-natalist policies will...
The aging of the Russian population and the rapid shrinking of its labor force in coming decades will make the human capital each worker contributes increasingly vital for sustaining economic output and...
The aging of the Russian population and the rapid shrinking of its labor force in coming decades will make the human capital each worker contributes increasingly vital for sustaining economic output and...
A shrinking working-age population will be the Russian Federation's biggest demographic challenge in coming decades. With workers increasingly scarce, sustainable future economic development depends on...
Policymakers in many countries, including the Russian Federation, are attempting to encourage fertility as part of their response to the challenge of population aging. Whether pro-natalist policies will...