This paper reports on a rapid assessment of Malawi’s integrated social registry, known as the Unified Beneficiary Registry (UBR). The timing of the assessment was ripe given the upcoming round of continued...
The lack of efficient social security systems, the presence of large informal sectors, and the pace at which the population is aging in some Sub-Saharan African countries are red flags warning of a potential...
The objective of this toolkit is to provide guidance to policy makers and practitioners on 'how to' aspects in designing and implementing public works programs. Public Works (PW) programs (also known as...
The objective of this toolkit is to provide guidance to policy makers and practitioners on 'how to' aspects in designing and implementing public works programs. Public Works (PW) programs (also known as...
In typical pension systems, individuals are asked to make contributions and based on the number of contributions made and the level of those contributions, a pension is awarded. Contributions from workers...
This paper compares the different approaches of Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, and China with respect to how they manage their respective defined contribution, individual retirement account systems. The...
This paper analyzes the relationship between whether a young person has a disability, the poverty status of their household, and their school participation using 11 household surveys from nine developing...
In June of 1997 Kazakhstan embarked on a dramatic reform of its pension system, replacing the inherited pay as you go regime with one based entirely on fully funded individual accounts. This paper provides...
Zambia is a county characterized by a high incidence of poverty and exposure to several types of shocks like HIV/AIDS, macroeconomic instability and periodic droughts. In this paper the authors conduct...
While targeting can effectively channel resources to the poor, implementation details matter tremendously to distributive outcomes. Several key factors affect performance, including: data collection processes;...
While targeting can effectively channel resources to the poor, implementation details matter tremendously to distributive outcomes. Several key factors affect performance, including: data collection processes;...
While targeting can effectively channel resources to the poor, implementation details matter tremendously to distributive outcomes. Several key factors affect performance, including: data collection processes;...
This case study is part of six country case study reports that were commissioned in 2003 by the World Bank specifically for the purposes of a summary report on the design and implementation of household...
The report is part of a series of studies by the Bank within selected countries, specifically to report on the design and establishment of household convergence systems in terms of social strategies, in...
The report is part of a series of studies by the Bank within selected countries, specifically to report on the design and establishment of household convergence systems in terms of social strategies, in...
The report is part of a series of studies by the Bank within selected countries, specifically to report on the design and establishment of household convergence systems in terms of social strategies, in...
The paper provides a first investigation into the portability of pension and health care benefits for international migrants. It is based on available literature and newly minted data, but more importantly...
The authors probe further into how household attributes affect the probability that children will work, and the probability of enrollment and success in school. Focusing on four household surveys in Brazil...
The authors use a unique data set on language, and mathematics test scores for third, and fourth graders in eleven different Latin American countries, to determine whether child labor raises or lowers...
The authors evaluate the effects of idiosyncratic shocks to a father's income on his children's probability of dropping out of school, entering the labor market, or failing to advance to the next grade...