The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Pantawid Pamilya) is the Government of Philippines' flagship social assistance program. It is a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program that targets poor households...
Understanding the links between gender inequality, poverty and environmental degradation, and taking responsive actions, can accelerate positive dynamics and promote sustainable development outcomes. Acknowledging...
This social assessment (SA) was conducted under the Fergana Valley Water Resources Management Project (FVWRMP), which is providing assistance to the Government of Tajikistan to address irrigation and drainage...
This social assessment (SA) was conducted under the Fergana Valley Water Resources Management Project (FVWRMP), which is providing assistance to the Government of Tajikistan to address irrigation and drainage...
Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) is a process that contributes to security and stability by disarming combatants, removing them from military structures, and socially and economically...
Violence exacts a high cost on world development. In about 60 countries, over the last ten years, violence has significantly and directly reduced economic growth. It has hampered poverty reduction efforts...
This paper examines the experiences in four Latin American countries and South Africa in the application of a human rights approach to social policy. The paper applies an analysis based on a social guarantees...
The last decade has witnessed expanded awareness among companies, especially multinational corporations, of their responsibilities toward the communities they impact, elaborated in the concept of Corporate...