This note discusses agricultural competitiveness in India in recent years, while highlighting path-breaking innovations, interventions, and challenges on the road ahead. While India has evolved as a leader...
Access to safe, affordable, and timely credit, insurance, savings and other financial services is a critical tool for poverty reduction and the welfare of the rural poor. Its pivotal role as a buffer against...
Intimately linked to each other, and deeply intertwined with the world’s economies, cultures, health and environment, agriculture and food systems find themselves at the heart of the global call for transformative...
By early 2021, it became evident that the second wave of COVID-19 in India would adversely impact public health, economic growth, and food security. Even the countryside, mostly unscathed by the first...
This discussion note describes an intervention to informally register customary land rights in the Manipur Hills.
This discussion note presents the summary learnings from seven case studies of government and non-governmental organization (NGO) initiatives to support land-poor farmers especially the landless, tenants...
This discussion note profiles approaches for building poor farmers’ legal awareness and access to legal support to resolve land disputes.
This discussion note summarizes India’s efforts to strengthen the land rights of poor and vulnerable farmers through land leasing reform and provides recommendations to ensure that tenant, women, and Dalit...
This discussion note describes an intervention to informally register customary land rights in the Manipur Hills.
This discussion note highlights cross-state experiences with subsidizing land purchases by poor women and facilitating women’s group land leasing to increase their productivity and income.
This discussion note profiles approaches for supporting farmers to obtain legal recognition of their informal land rights through government land allocation programs and joint titling.
This discussion note presents the summary learnings from seven case studies of government and non-governmental organization (NGO) initiatives to support land-poor farmers - especially the landless, tenants...
This discussion note profiles approaches for supporting farmers to obtain legal recognition of their informal land rights through government land allocation programs and joint titling.
This discussion note highlights cross-state experiences with subsidizing land purchases by poor women and facilitating women’s group land leasing to increase their productivity and income.
This discussion note summarizes India’s efforts to strengthen the land rights of poor and vulnerable farmers through land leasing reform and provides recommendations to ensure that tenant, women, and Dalit...
This discussion note presents the summary learnings from seven case studies of government and non-governmental organization (NGO) initiatives to support land-poor farmers - especially the landless, tenants...
This discussion note describes an intervention to informally register customary land rights in the Manipur Hills.
The North Eastern Region (NER) of India comprises eight states. The majority of the region’s population lives in rural areas, and agriculture and allied activities form the backbone of people’s livelihoods...
The North Eastern Region (NER) of India comprises eight states, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura. Most of the region’s population lives in rural areas...
To respond to the extant social, cultural, and economic diversity and inequities across project areas, the North East Rural Livelihoods Project (NERLP) adopted social inclusion and empowerment as a core...