Harbin (pop. 10.6 million) and Mudanjiang, a smaller city (pop. 2.8 million) bordering Russia, share common transportation problems of growing cities in China. With inadequate capacity and an aging bus...
Turkey has considerable renewable energy potential. However, substantial public and private investment is needed to fully exploit this resource. Securing sufficient and reliable energy to a growing economy...
Poor sanitation facilities can have a debilitating impact on communities, prompting poor public health, and limiting the potential of economic growth. Two of the four most important causes of under-five...
Shanxi province (population 540,000) and the surrounding areas’ population has grown over 22 percent per year. The growth in population has been accompanied by rapidly growing motorization. Private car...
China's energy-intensive manufacturing industries account for about 50 percent of its total energy consumption and operate at significantly higher levels of energy intensity than international best practices...
Manufacturing has long been recognized as an essential driver of economic development for most countries, as it has an important economic and employment multiplier effect. India’s manufacturing performance...
The Huai River Basin is the third largest river basin in China with a population of 165 million people in its watershed. Severe flooding and associated disasters occur every 3-5 years with extraordinary...
China has achieved rapid growth in agriculture productivity by investing in irrigation and land saving technologies (improved seeds and fertilizers). Average precipitation in the north, northeast, and...
Sustainable management of coral reef resources, associated eco-systems and bio-diversity for the welfare of the communities in seven selected districts of five provinces in Indonesia has been quite a challenge...
Kazakhstan has a population of seventeen million. The country benefits from substantial oil reserves but the government seeks to diversify its development strategy based on non-oil sources. The country...
Panama’s inequalities are reflected in the poor’s unequal access to water supply and sanitation services (WSS). The WSS sector’s legal framework is relatively well defined but it has not been effective...
Remote areas of China’s Northeast, like Jiamusi and the capital city of Harbin in Heilongjiang Province have lagged behind the remarkable economic and social development of coastal regions. The existing...
The project aims to assist selected districts in Ningbo municipality to increase the volume and proportion of municipal solid waste recycled with processes for waste separation at source and recycling...
China's energy-intensive manufacturing industries account for about 50 percent of their total energy consumption and operate at significantly higher levels of energy intensity than international best practices...
Anhui province in the mid-eastern region of China is relatively underdeveloped. Bengbu, its second largest city, has experienced sluggish economic growth due to frequent flooding from the Huai river, industrial...
The health sector in Argentina is highly fragmented with several public and private providers and sources of financing. In addition to horizontal fragmentation, Argentina’s public health sector structure...
The Sustainable natural resources management project for Argentina aims to improve the sustainable and efficient management of forest resources. The project helps improve capacity and targets conservation...
Three remote towns at the foot of the Atlas mountains —Erfoud, Missour, and Zagora, are not served by Morocco’s main power stations located on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. The population suffers...
The government of China has made food safety a top priority in recent years and is taking clear actions to upgrade their food safety system. It passed the Law on Agricultural Product Quality and Safety...
The State of Sao Paulo accounts for 33 percent of Brazil’s total GDP; its 41 million inhabitants have the highest per capital income in the country. Yet, the state still faces excessive economic concentration...