This discussion paper summarizes observed and projected trends in extreme weather events, present-day climate variability, and future climate change and their impacts on China's different regions. Findings...
This discussion paper summarizes observed and projected trends in extreme weather events, present-day climate variability, and future climate change and their impacts on China's different regions. Findings...
This discussion paper provides the analytical backdrop for a series of papers on managing climate- and weather-related risks in China. It reviews and synthesizes the growing literature on risk-based management...
This discussion paper provides the analytical backdrop for a series of papers on managing climate- and weather-related risks in China. It reviews and synthesizes the growing literature on risk-based management...
China's success in addressing food problem after adopting the reforms in 1978 has been nothing less than remarkable. Grain output (rice, wheat and maize) has almost doubled and most hunger has been eliminated...
Improved irrigation water pricing sufficient to cover Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and management costs for end-canal irrigation or tertiary facilities is a vital requirement for efficient irrigation...
Improved irrigation water pricing sufficient to cover Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and management costs for end-canal irrigation or tertiary facilities is a vital requirement for efficient irrigation...
Ulaanbaatar's population has likely been facing air pollution challenges for several decades, through the development of Ulaanbaatar (UB) as a growing industrial city with increased construction, traffic...
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the current situation of brownfield management in China for World Bank staff and relevant government officials in order to help raise awareness of...
Recurring environmental incidents have led to increased public awareness of the threats of environmental pollution to public health and rapid urbanization is driving up land prices in Chinese cities. As...
Recurring environmental incidents have led to increased public awareness of the threats of environmental pollution to public health and rapid urbanization is driving up land prices in Chinese cities. As...
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the current situation of brownfield management in China for World Bank staff and relevant government officials in order to help raise awareness of...
The discussion paper presents preliminary findings for dissemination to initiate a discussion on the short-term and long-term emission reduction strategies for reducing Ulaanbaatar's (UB) air pollution...
The discussion paper presents preliminary findings for dissemination to initiate a discussion on the short-term and long-term emission reduction strategies for reducing Ulaanbaatar's (UB) air pollution...
The Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) for Timor-Leste identifies environmental priorities through a systematic review of environmental issues in natural resources management and environmental health...
Since the 1970s, East and Southeast Asia have experienced rapid economic growth and an increasing range of environmental challenges. Many countries in the region still lack the capacity to assess and manage...
Ulaanbaatar's population has likely been facing air pollution challenges for several decades, through the development of Ulaanbaatar (UB) as a growing industrial city with increased construction, traffic...
Worldwide there is a high, and in many cases growing demand for wild plants and animals and products made from them. Wild species are used as the source of a wide variety of goods, including foods, medicines...
This study reviews the policy and institutional framework for involuntary resettlement in the Philippines. Its purpose is to assess the prospect of harmonizing the country's involuntary resettlement framework...
A primer on reducing vulnerabilities to climate change impacts and strengthening disaster risk management in East Asian cities is prepared as a guide for local governments in the East Asia Region to better...