Approaches to urban slums are a multimedia sourcebook that comprises 14 self-running audiovisual presentations and 18 video interviews. It is organized into four broad sections: adaptive approaches, proactive...
Approaches to urban slums are a multimedia sourcebook that comprises 14 self-running audiovisual presentations and 18 video interviews. It is organized into four broad sections: adaptive approaches, proactive...
The role of parliament in conflict-affected countries becomes even more evident when the correlation between poverty and conflict is considered. This book is pioneering in that it considers what parliaments...
This book on micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) finance is intended primarily for government policy makers. It presents a policy framework whereby governments can support increased access by MSME...
This book on micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) finance is intended primarily for government policy makers. It presents a policy framework whereby governments can support increased access by MSME...
Although Africa is falling behind in today's global economic race, it holds pockets of vital economic activity -- many in the form of enterprise clusters scattered across the continent's countries and...
This book contributes to the empirical and theoretical analysis of the performance of cities in a globalizing world, bringing together a range of perspectives on the policy implications for urban management...
This book addresses a variety of issues relating to intergovernmental finance and the provision and financing of local services including budgeting and financial management, the institutional framework...
This book contributes to the empirical and theoretical analysis of the performance of cities in a globalizing world, bringing together a range of perspectives on the policy implications for urban management...
The purpose of this sourcebook is to enrich and inform the dialog on intergovernmental finance issues in Central and Eastern Europe. The sourcebook facilitates direct access to the wealth of knowledge...
This book is designed primarily to help readers broaden their knowledge of global issues, gain insight into their country's situation in a global context, and understand the problems of sustaianble development--both...
This book is designed primarily to help readers broaden their knowledge of global issues, gain insight into their country's situation in a global context, and understand the problems of sustaianble development--both...
This report documents the main highlights and findings from the Middle East Regional Symposium, "Meeting the Public Health Challenges of the 21st Century in the Middle East and North Africa/Eastern Mediterranean...
Poverty is an outcome of interaction between economic, social, and political forces. The World Bank has emphasized poverty reduction in its programs and operational activities. With the launching of initiatives...
This book analyzes the development of knowledge-based economies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Its principal messages are: Because of the so-called "knowledge revolution" resulting from the...
this volume is the result of a cooperative effort between the world Bank Institute and the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) to encourage policy discussion of the links between global environmental concerns...
Starting in the fall of 1997, the World Bank Institute organized a learning program on Intergovernmental Roles in the Delivery of Education Services in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania...
In the preface to this report, it is asserted that, "history hovers... over any discussion of fiscal federalism in Russia." This report not only reviews that history, but also follows it to the present...
In the preface to this report, it is asserted that, "history hovers... over any discussion of fiscal federalism in Russia." This report not only reviews that history, but also follows it to the present...
This programming guide and the related resources on CD-ROM provide an extensive and rich collection of learning materials and examples of good practice from around the world, as well as a selected library...