Alors que l’Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée à de multiples défis, notamment à des conflits liés à l’utilisation des terres, à l’urbanisation rapide souvent non planifiée et au changement climatique...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
By summarizing recent evidence and regional trends, this series is designed to provide Bhutan’s policymakers a digestible resource through which to better understand and respond to existing as well as...
This report presents our assessment of the relative importance of theseveral pollution problems and other man-induced chemical changes in theMediterranean Sea. It also presents an assessment of the relative...
Guidance on designing and implementing school grants (both uncondition al and conditional) is crucial. This note, while not a comprehensive guide on school grants, contains a small subset of practical...
Despite efforts to generate more funds for education, current financing in the education sector is inadequate, inefficient, and inequitable to ensure quality education and improve learning outcomes. One...
The July 2021 release of learning poverty estimates involves several changes to the data underlying the country-level learning poverty figures. This document provides details of the key changes made. Some...
Urban centers are growing, with two-thirds of the world’s population expected to live in urban centers by 2050; nearly ninety percent of this increase is in Asia and Africa. A rapidly urbanizing world...
Pakistan faces a human capital crisis. Its population, three-quarters of which is under the age of 35, has very recent memories of failures in the schooling system and in health services. Federal and provincial...
Compact city: Spatial urban form characterized by compactness, with key characteristics as (i) dense and proximate development patterns; (ii) urban areas linked by public transport systems; and (iii) accessibility...
This research paper focuses on building the social resilience of vulnerable communities to climate change in Solomon Islands. Grounded in extensive field work incorporating qualitative and quantitative...
The Global Tax Program Health Taxes Knowledge Note Series focuses on topics linked to implementation of health taxes, or excise taxes on tobacco, alcoholic drinks and sugar-sweetened beverages. The purpose...
The economic empowerment of forcibly displaced women (FDW) can contribute to greater resilience and improved livelihoods for both displaced people and host communities. The Mashreq gender facility (MFG)...
The gender wage gap in Thailand is much less significant than in most countries in the world. The average hourly wage among female workers, in fact, slightly surpasses that of males. This highly equitable...
Sistemul de e-permising este un sistem electronic național de planificare și dezvoltare inițiat în orașul Tirana și activ acum în toată Albania. Sistemul folosește o platformă web pentru a organiza și...
Cazul Pipera oferă un exemplu al potențialelor averi mixte ale reamenajărilor la scară largă (în acest caz, la doar kilometri una dintre ele în Pipera Nord și Sud) și poate servi drept studiu de caz pentru...
Abstract 1 change
Deep tech companies - those built on advances in biotechnology, robotics, electronics, artificial intelligence, and other advanced technologies—aim to solve complex social and environmental challenges...
Gender, Marginalized People and Marine Spatial Planning Integrated Seascape Management Knowledge Factsheet Series / #1 Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a public process that should be participatory, transparent...
Gender, Marginalized People and Marine Spatial Planning Integrated Seascape Management Knowledge Factsheet Series / #1 Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a public process that should be participatory, transparent...