The Red Sea crisis has emerged as a critical flashpoint of the conflict in the Middle East, upending global trade and maritime transport, port activity in the MENA region, and ecological balance of the...
Unlike the Kyoto protocol’s clean development mechanism (CDM), Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement is designed to allow for international cooperation in carbon markets through decentralized governance...
O Ceibal, uma iniciativa de transformação da educação digital no Uruguai, oferece percepções e lições valiosas para os países que pretendem aproveitar a tecnologia para melhorar os resultados da aprendizagem...
Ceibal, an initiative in digital education transformation in Uruguay, offers valuable insights and lessons for countries aiming to leverage technology to improve learning outcomes and foster educational...
Against the backdrop of a new World Bank initiative to support African think tanks, the “Africa Think Tank Platform”, this paper outlines critical opportunities and constraints that think tanks may face...
Alors que l’Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée à de multiples défis, notamment à des conflits liés à l’utilisation des terres, à l’urbanisation rapide souvent non planifiée et au changement climatique...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) is a partnership between the Africa Union, African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the World...
Urban centers are growing, with two-thirds of the world’s population expected to live in urban centers by 2050; nearly ninety percent of this increase is in Asia and Africa. A rapidly urbanizing world...
This note presents a multisectoral examination of the national and provincial landscapes for ECD in Pakistan. It explains the critical importance of improving investments and services for young children...
City plans clearly don’t reflect realistic population projections, and most plans seem to encourage even greater sprawl and will require significant capital investments to service and connect outlying...
The research paper is structured across six sections. Following a brief introduction, section 2 details important context about climate-related migration in Solomon Islands as well as broader patterns...
The Global Tax Program Health Taxes Knowledge Note Series focuses on topics linked to implementation of health taxes, or excise taxes on tobacco, alcoholic drinks, and sugar-sweetened beverages. The purpose...
The purpose of this study is to assess the differences between older men and women (aged sixty and above) residing in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area in order to better understand gender disparities and...
Zambia introduced free and compulsory general education in 2011, but its implementation has been incomplete. In 2021, the government introduced the “Education for All” policy which abolished all formal...
The June 2022 release of learning poverty estimates contribute to an ongoing collection of harmonized learning assessment datasets at the student and country level. This document provides details of processes...
Tirana a crescut de patru ori în ultimii treizeci de ani, cu o mulțime de dezvoltare informală și ilegală care a alimentat construcția în plină expansiune a capitalei albaneze. Pe piața de dezvoltare din...
The construction sector has a major role in economic growth, with the industry's activities affecting nearly every aspect of the economy. It is forecasted that the volume of construction output will grow...
Climate-Informed Marine Spatial Planning Integrated Seascape Management Knowledge Factsheet Series / Number 2 Climate-informed marine spatial planning (MSP) is a participatory process that considers current...
Climate-Informed Marine Spatial Planning Integrated Seascape Management Knowledge Factsheet Series / Number 2 Climate-informed marine spatial planning (MSP) is a participatory process that considers current...