This study analyzes the direct effects and local spillovers of a low-cost multifaceted economic inclusion program through a randomized controlled trial in Chad. The intervention included group savings...
Several factors contribute to the limited use of improved seed varieties in Ethiopia. Among those, on the supply side, is the restricted availability of seeds in the volume, quality, and timeliness required...
In this brief the authors combine granular climate data on flooding, drought and extreme heat, and district level food insecurity data and conflict data, to produce district level estimates of the number...
Madagascar’s economy is recovering but remains uneven. Growth is estimated at 4.2 percent in 2024. Several sectors in the economy have yet to return to their pre-2020 output levels. The services sector...
Diarrhea and growth faltering in early childhood reduce survival and impair neurodevelopment. This paper assesses whether a national program in the Democratic Republic of Congo reduced diarrhea and stunting...
This study conducted a randomized experiment to improve participation in a youth employment program in Côte d'Ivoire by testing text message outreach methods. Sending text messages highlighting that the...
This paper presents the results from a novel field experiment that examined the impact of in- creasing the presence of revenue authority officers on tax compliance and tax morale among small and medium-size...
This note describes the effort to conduct a multidimensional rigorous impact evaluation of the Bus Rapid Transit pilot Project and the Regional Express Train in Dakar, Senegal. This note is focused on...
In tomorrow’s world, the winners will inevitably be those who possess the knowledge to innovate and adapt to increasingly rapid technological advancements. In contrast, those who lack this knowledge will...
The Red Sea crisis has emerged as a critical flashpoint of the conflict in the Middle East, upending global trade and maritime transport, port activity in the MENA region, and ecological balance of the...
Malawi’s economic recovery remains fragile due to the slow implementation of macroeconomic adjustment reforms and a series of recent shocks. Food insecurity remains a major concern due to weak harvests...
November economic activity data suggests gradual growth, driven by strong external demand, particularly for goods exports and tourism, as well as a slight recovery in private consumption supported by fiscal...
In developed countries, public childcare programs have increased maternal employment by easing time constraints. However, their impact in lower-middle-income settings with multigenerational households...
High aggregate levels of wildlife consumption in Central African cities may be depleting wildlife populations. This study explores the impacts of demand and supply-side interventions on wild meat consumption...
Turkmenistan is a land-locked, upper middle-income country, characterized by a rigid statist economic model, and driven by natural gas exports. Turkmenistan went through a period of adjustment as it first...
Zimbabwe’s impressive recovery since the 2019-20 COVID-19 recession has been slowed by the 2024 El-Niño-related drought. The fiscal deficit is projected to have fallen to below 3 percent in 2024. Challenges...
Bulgarian firms in clean tech value chains demonstrate limited integration within the domestic economy and rely heavily on foreign suppliers, with only 25 percent of their supplier network being domestic...
Croatian firms in clean tech value chains demonstrate limited integration within the domestic economy and rely heavily on foreign suppliers, with only 25 percent of their supplier network being domestic...
This report shows that Romania has the potential to become a significant player in the EU’s green value chains but needs to address its weaknesses to fully capitalize on the opportunities. Firm network...
This report aims to provide an overview of potential opportunities to participate in clean tech value chains, using new and evolving analytical tools from the World Bank Group that may help inform national...