This report is part of the “Energy Subsidy Reform in Action” series produced by the ESMAP Energy Subsidy Reform Facility, with the objective of drawing insights from recent experiences and emerging approaches...
This technical background paper provides insights on entry points for competition authorities in Africa to increase competition advocacy activities to improve the conditions of competition in digital markets...
This technical background paper explores the effectiveness of competition policy enforcement in the digital markets in Africa along several dimensions, including anticompetitive agreements, abuse of dominance...
This technical background paper provides an overview of data governance frameworks in Africa and explores links with public trust and an enabling environment for greater participation in the digital economy...
This technical background paper sheds light on the corporate governance challenges faced by enterprises with national state shareholdings, specifically State-owned and State-linked Enterprises (SOE-SLEs)...
This technical background paper delves into the role and importance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) within Africa's digital economy, along with the potential risks they pose to competition and market...
Information communication technology (ICT) contracts are prone to fraud, corruption, bid rigging and collusion. The OECD foreign bribery report which shows that in 2014, 10 percent of the foreign bribery...
The objective of this background paper is to provide the reader with an understanding of information and communications technology (ICT) procurement with a focus on Africa. The intended audience of this...
The objective of this paper is to provide information on Electronic Government Procurement (eGP), a digital technology that can help public procurement organizations optimize spend, improve the performance...
The January research newsletter features the topic "Taxation and Technology: Case Studies in E-Government." This newsletter's featured research utilizes experiments from Tajikistan and Liberia to illustrate...
The SEDLAC harmonization project includes a categorical ethnicity variable for each country when it is possible to classify individuals by ethnic groups in the household survey. This harmonized ethnicity...
In FY2021, the LAC TSD started to include the mitigation measures into the regional microsimulation as one of the natural extensions of the model. A fourth channel of transmission was applied to the regional...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: COVID-19 and vaccination update; employment and income loss;...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: COVID-19 and vaccination update; employment and income loss;...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: COVID-19 and vaccination update; employment and income loss;...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: knowledge of COVID-19 and prevention; income loss; access...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: Covid-19 and vaccination update; employment; education and...
The Socioeconomic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC) is a database of harmonized socio-economic statistics constructed from Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) household surveys. The...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: Covid-19 update; employment; well-being and food security;...