The paper uses a global vector autoregression model with quarterly time series data from 1994 to 2016 to investigate the spillover effects of Chinese trade and growth shocks on 10 Association of Southeast...
Digital solutions have been the signature of Southeast Asia’s response to COVID-19 (coronavirus). Technologies used during the crisis have helped address a wide spectrum of problems, supporting public...
This paper examines within-sector resource misallocation in three Southeast Asian countries -- Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. The methodology accounts for measurement error in revenues and costs. The...
Lazada has always been supporting the female community in Southeast Asia, from providing selling opportunities on our platform to hiring women riders among our courier fleet. We strongly believe that when...
South Asia plays a key role in the global development arena, with the world’s largest working-age population, a quarter of the world’s middle-class consumers, the world’s greatest number of poor and undernourished...
Across the world, millions of children, including those with disabilities, do not receive proper education. Education is the right of every child for that is what equips him to meet the challenges of life...
This publication, 'mother tongue as bridge language of instruction: policies and experiences in Southeast Asia,' presents a compendium of language policies, case studies, and general recommendations for...
Since the 1970s, East and Southeast Asia have experienced rapid economic growth and an increasing range of environmental challenges. Many countries in the region still lack the capacity to assess and manage...
This chapter begins with a brief summary of economic growth and structural changes in the region since the 1950s and of agricultural and other economic policies as they affected agriculture before and...
New initiatives to close the development gap and expand trade among members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are at the forefront of the policy discussion. Countries in Southeast Asia...
The Small Grants Program Guidebook is intended to provide Country Office (CO) staff with information on the management and administration of the Small Grants Program (SmGP). It is not intended to set absolute...
This report on environmental impact assessment regulations and strategic environmental assessment requirements has been prepared mainly through desk study reviews of the current state of Environmental...
More than US$ 8 billion of private capital has been pledged for capacity expansion and service modernization in far Eastern and Southeast Asian ports. The contractual arrangements vary but in most cases...
The Industrial Development Working Party of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East convened in Shanghai on August 26, 1948 and was in continuous session until October 25, 1948, during which...