Ratings for the Integrated Human Development Project for Maldives were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, the risk to development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was moderately...
This project paper seeks the approval of the Executive Director to introduce changes in the Maldives Integrated Human Development Project (Credit No. 3948, Project ID P078523). The proposed restructuring...
This news release, dated July 6, 2004, announces the World Bank approved a 15.76 million dollars credit to support the Government of Maldives to deliver education, health and nutrition, employment, and...
The Maldives Integrated Human Development Project aims to: (a) improve social outcomes and promote economic growth by strengthening social services delivery (education, health and nutrition services) for...
The project development objectives are to improve social services, contain the rise in public services unit costs, and promote economic opportunities on selected, ecologically viable focus islands in four...
The project development objectives are to improve social services, contain the rise in public services unit costs, and promote economic opportunities on selected, ecologically viable focus islands in four...