This Results Profile talks about building a better growth foundation in Mali. Mali is a vast landlocked country located in the heart of the Sahel, a region threatened by drought and desertification. The...
This Results Profile talks about building a better growth foundation in Mali. Mali is a vast landlocked country located in the heart of the Sahel, a region threatened by drought and desertification. The...
This Results Profile talks about building a better growth foundation in Mali. Mali is a vast landlocked country located in the heart of the Sahel, a region threatened by drought and desertification. The...
This results profile talks about the Second Education Sector Investment Program in Mali. The program is helping to increase access and quality of basic education. The ongoing program is progressing towards...
This results profile talks about the Second Education Sector Investment Program in Mali. The program is helping to increase access and quality of basic education. The ongoing program is progressing towards...
This report is the second Country Status Reports (CSR) for Mali and constitutes an update of the one prepared in 2005 which dealt with the improvement of access to education, the improvement of the quality...
This Project Paper seeks the approval of the Executive Directors to provide Additional Financing for Phase II of the Education Investment Program (ESIP II or the Project), presently financed under IDA...
The Second Education Sector Investment Program for Mali aims to increase the proportion o f Malian children completing a quality first cycle o f basic education and improve the overall efficiency of resources...
This resettlement policy framework for the Mali - Second Education Sector Expenditures (APL2) Project discusses the types of assets and structures belonging to persons affected by project activities that...
The overall objective of the second phase of Mali Education Sector Expenditure
Program (ESEP) is, in accordance with the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals, to ensure that every child has...