Although Moldova has made some important advances since the 2008 FSAP update, risks to banking sector stability have become severe. There is an urgent need, therefore, to improve transparency and governance...
The World Bank assessed the insolvency and creditor or debtor regimes (ICR) of Moldova pursuant to the joint international monetary fund (IMF) and World Bank initiative on the observance of standards and...
During February 17 to March 5, 2014 an assessment under the international monetary fund (IMF) and World Bank financial sector assessment program (FSAP) was conducted for the Republic of Moldova. As part...
This assessment reviews the regulatory and supervisory developments in the insurance sector of Moldova. The current assessment is benchmarked against the insurance core principles (ICPs) issued by the...
The banking sector in Moldova is in the midst of structural changes with worrisome corporate governance issues at the core. Corporate governance is at the center of a stable and profitable banking sector...
The approach taken by authorities in the oversight and supervision of FMIs is important in promoting and maintaining financial stability in Moldova. While well-functioning FMIs can greatly improve the...
This note discusses the stress tests that were carried out on Moldova’s banking system as part of the 2014 financial sector assessment program (FSAP) update. The objective of this exercise was to assess...
The FSAP mission to Moldova included an assessment of the financial crisis resolution framework, focusing on bank resolution arrangements. The FSAP did not include an assessment of crisis resolution arrangements...
This assessment of Moldova current state of compliance with the Basel core principles for effective banking supervision (BCPs) was undertaken as part of a joint International Monetary Fund (IMF) - World...