Currently 30-40 percent of the total global food production is lost or wasted between field andconsumer. These losses are expected to increase as the changing diet patterns of the rising middle class in...
In agri-logistics, the MDTF-SL aims to assist developing countries in strengthening food security and improving the competitiveness of agricultural exports through reducing logistics and food losses along...
This document is the result of research into the development of short sea shipping. This research was carried out by Wageningen Food and Biobased Research (WFBR) researchers in 2017 and 2018 at the request...
This case study was led Smart Freight Centre (SFC) in the Netherlands in partnership with the Thammasat Business School, Centre for Logistics Research in Thailand. Funding was provided by the World Bank...
This is the second progress report and final report combined of the research project on tomato losses in Nigeria. It should be read as the third part of the reports. In the inception report we presented...
Transport is a key element in the infrastructure of a nation as it provides services essential for promoting economic and social development and plays a significant role in influencing the pattern of distribution...
The ultimate development objective of this project is to help cities make better urban freight policy choices to minimize externalities while providing adequate flow of goods within the city. In this report...
In accordance with the Inception Report (February 2017), this final report describes the results of the assignment and the conditions needed to secure continuity of the cluster of programs started. An...