This report has been prepared as part of the pilot project of the European Commission titled: Catching-up Regions Initiative, implemented in 2016-2017 in selected regions of two European Union states...
This report has been prepared as part of the pilot project of the European Commission titled: Catching-up Regions Initiative, implemented in 2016-2017 in selected regions of two European Union states...
This report is an implementation focused document that proposes a solution for addressing the problem of unexploited potential in the Podkarpackie R&D ecosystem (in particular, relatively low, although...
This report is an implementation focused document that proposes a solution for addressing the problem of unexploited potential in the Podkarpackie R&D ecosystem (in particular, relatively low, although...
This document proposes a design for an enterprise support scheme in Świętokrzyskie and Podkarpackie regions of Poland. The objective of the Enterprise Competitiveness Scheme (ECS) is to support further...
This document proposes a design for an enterprise support scheme in Świętokrzyskie and Podkarpackie regions of Poland. The objective of the Enterprise Competitiveness Scheme (ECS) is to support further...