La croissance démographique rapide et l’urbanisation imposent des exigences considérables aux infrastructures des pays africains. Avec cela, des investissements majeurs dans les infrastructures publiques...
Pour relever le défi important de la pollution atmosphérique et de ses conséquences négatives sur la santé de la population, les décideurs politiques ont besoin de données pour comprendre la situation...
Rapid population growth and urbanization place substantial demands on African countries’ infrastructures. With this, major investments in public infrastructure, including transport, telecommunications...
La croissance démographique rapide et l'urbanisation imposent des exigences considérables aux infrastructures des pays africains. Dans ce contexte, des investissements majeurs dans les infrastructures...
To address the important challenge of air pollution and the negative health consequences for their population, policymakers need data to both understand the current situation and assess the impact of policies...
Rapid population growth and urbanization place substantial demands on the infrastructure in African countries. With this, major investments in public infrastructure, including transport, telecommunications...
Parfois, il ne s'agit pas d'avoir les compétences techniques les plus poussées ou d'être le meilleur dans une tâche pour réussir dans son travail, mais d'être un travailleur fiable. Les employés consciencieux...
This note describes the effort to conduct a multidimensional rigorous impact evaluation of the Bus Rapid Transit pilot Project and the Regional Express Train in Dakar, Senegal. This note is focused on...
While populations in low- and middle-income countries are exposed to some of the highest levels of air pollution and its consequences, the majority of economics research on the topic is focused on high-income...
Despite extensive evidence on the importance of non-cognitive skills for labor market outcomes, to what extent training can affect specific skills in adulthood remains an open question. This paper conducts...
Youth unemployment is a major concern for African governments, in particular in urban areas. The government of Senegal has adopted two flagship projects to improve urban mobility in the Greater Dakar Area...
Lack of connectivity in African cities is an important factor constraining the inclusion of the poor in the growth process. Geographic disconnect and inefficient, low-capacity public transport negatively...
Lack of connectivity in African cities is an important factor constraining the inclusion of the poor in the growth process. Geographic disconnect and inefficient, low-capacity public transport negatively...
Youth unemployment is a major concern for African governments, in particular in urban areas. The government of Senegal has adopted two flagship projects to improve urban mobility in the Greater Dakar Area...