Procurement in investment project financing supports borrowers to achieve value for money with integrity in delivering sustainable development . This report focuses on new standard procurement documents...
This report is about diagnosis and best practices of inventory of laws for Iraq. It focuses on the following : reviewing the stock of legislation is an efficient tool to improve and strengthen the quality...
The purpose of this presentation is to ensure that we have an understanding of what an Integrated Tax Administration IT System (ITAS) is and how it can be implemented as part of a well-developed tax administration...
This presentation introduces a roadmap example: Part 1: Our approach to analyzing potential roadmap activities (i.e., projects) Part 2: Example of a mid-term tax administration roadmap (3 to 5 years)...
The Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) gives: Understanding of operational outcomes; Benchmark for before and after comparisons; Mechanism to ask for information for ITAS development;...